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Creeping_Death_89 t1_iy9nbmh wrote

There was a young man who died earlier this year from a light rail train that hit his car when the barriers didn't come down. Be careful!


megalomike t1_iya6yre wrote

The barriers worked fine he ignored them.


Creeping_Death_89 t1_iya7xwr wrote

The video evidence showed that the gates weren't all the way down.

>"On February 3, 2022, Anne Arundel Traffic Safety Investigators responded to the Maryland Mass Transit Administration Facility to review video footage from the above incident. During this review, it was learned the train entered the intersection while the roadway gates were in the process of lowering. Although the overhead alternating warning lights were functioning properly at the time of the crash, the roadway was not completely blocked by the gates when the crash occurred. Investigators are now also looking into the possibility of operator error on the part of the MTA train operator. The traffic Safety Section continues to investigate. Additional updates will be provided when available."



megalomike t1_iya9rh9 wrote

Yeah, and he ignored them and died.


Creeping_Death_89 t1_iyabjzb wrote

The point is they weren't down yet and that it's possible for an operator error to cause that to happen again. Which is literally what almost happened to the OP.


megalomike t1_iyagoa7 wrote

There are no gates on howard street. The point is the driver felt entitled to drive around the gates as they closed and now he's dead.