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bmore t1_ixz3b62 wrote

Voters decided we should have term limits despite research/evidence they're not a good idea, so I don't really take issue with pension matching the term limits. I do think it was a shitty time and way to go about it (thanks Nick Mosby). I hope the mayor vetoes it and council introduces an amendment to repeal term limits next election, giving a longer period of time for debate that isn't solely funded by a right wing billionaire.

I also have no issue with pension for councilmembers. I think they should be paid more and be full time. Being a good councilperson is a terrible job. I'd rather try to get more good people running and serving, even if it sometimes accidentally rewards a Robert Stokes.


Appropriate-Lab-5015 t1_ixzi6pr wrote

Counter argument: surrounding counties with part time council members ALL have better constituent services than any Balt City district. (Balt Co isnt great, but I mean AA, Howard, Carroll, and Harford.)

Bad county council people in surrounding counties also are challenged and lose primary elections, unlike in the city. Harford District E is an example from this past cycle.


2468975 OP t1_ixz53pv wrote

I might try to be a Robert Stokes. 8 years to work part time while making 70k+ / year and then get a pension? Seems better then the 40+ years I will spend working full time while contributing to my 401k with no guarantees.


bmore t1_ixzatep wrote

Perhaps you should lobby to have better working conditions in your job as well. The US really fucks over its workforce, and it's a uniquely American thing to respond to that by trying to erode employment benefits for others that have it better than you instead of advocating for better benefits for more people.


2468975 OP t1_ixzykpz wrote

And is this situation uniquely American? If so, why does the monarchy exist? Why does the caste system still exist (even if legally it doesn’t)? What you have said sounds good, but given your lack of response to how to put anything in action, the responses seem to simply parrot popular views, but lack substance.


2468975 OP t1_ixzc1ut wrote

Aren’t our elected officials supposed to do this for us too? But as demonstrated here, they vote that police should work 5 years longer to qualify for pension and they should work 4 years less. I agree, corporate America has issues. That is why we need elected officials who give a crap about us and not just themselves.


bmore t1_ixzd4cv wrote

>Aren’t our elected officials supposed to do this for us too?

Well it really depends on what voters are asking of them. I'd certainly like them to expand worker rights and benefits. But that doesn't seem to be popular enough in this country. As I said, people are more interested in tearing down benefits for others than organizing for better conditions for all.

IMO the Fire/EMS pension vote should have been a loser that threw people out of office, but obviously our populace doesn't care that much about first responders getting good benefits given it was a politically inconsequential vote. That sucks and I disagree with it, but I'm clearly in the minority.


2468975 OP t1_ixzircv wrote

How do I, a voter, ask something of my elected officials and actually be heard?


MontisQ t1_iy22pcv wrote

Call them, email them asking to meet, or tell them when they knock on your door during election season.


2468975 OP t1_ixzgk0r wrote

You have a lot of good responses. You have suggested that city residents can create legislation to try and overturn the pension ruling or lobby for workers rights, but haven’t said how. How, do I, a single person, go about lobbying? How do I start legislation? I’m not being sarcastic. I’m honestly asking to be educated. What is my starting point to act rather than just talk? For example, the person who responded to email the mayor and provided a link. That is actionable. That is an example of what I’m hoping to learn.


Cryptizard t1_ixzmiug wrote

You know the average Baltimore city police officer makes substantially more than a councilperson.


2468975 OP t1_ixzom7i wrote

Are you sure? From what I see a baltimore city police officer makes $60-105k at a full time position. A council member makes $76-135k and many of those positions are considered part time.


Cryptizard t1_ixzq5jh wrote

The council president makes more. But regular council members all make the same, $75k.


2468975 OP t1_ixzqxkp wrote

So not significantly more than all police? And then if you factor in full time vs part time work?


bmore t1_iy07km9 wrote

Police make overtime. The median salary at BPD is in the 90s, and overtime pushes it into the 100s easily.


Douseigh t1_iy6et7n wrote

ANALYSTS at BPD make 76k starting. No grad degree needed