Submitted by MazelTough t3_yp9fbk in baltimore
AreWeCowabunga t1_ivjvdlh wrote
You don't need your voter card, right? You can just use a driver's license?
imbolcnight t1_ivk3wm5 wrote
Generally, if you've voted in Maryland before, you don't need anything at all.
From the state website:
> Under the Help America Vote Act, certain voters must satisfy an identification requirement before voting for the first time in Maryland. A voter is subject to this new identification requirement if the voter:
> - Registered to vote by mail; and
> - Will be voting for the first time in Maryland.
> Because of the voter registration requirements effective January 1, 2006 (see above), most voters will satisfy the identification during the registration process. Generally, only the following voters will be subject to the identification requirement:
> - Those voters who do not have a driver's license, MVA ID card, or social security card and who submitted their voter registration applications by mail after January 1, 2006; and
> - Those voters who registered to vote by mail between January 1, 2003, and December 31, 2005, and have not yet voted for the first time.
Crlady t1_ivjxfec wrote
I don’t think you need either. I was asked for neither.
todareistobmore t1_ivk6fxt wrote
Usually they'll just ask for your name, then confirm DOB and address. No ID required.
MazelTough OP t1_ivkqf0i wrote
This is the answer! We don’t ask for full DOB just M/DD
The_Waxies_Dargle t1_ivlkpnu wrote
I believe it's against the law for them to ask for either.
MazelTough OP t1_ivp4v2s wrote
Yes we were not allowed to ask for ID though plenty proffered it.
moderndukes t1_ivjznie wrote
Exactly. You need to prove you’re you in some way. When I went, I had the sample ballot they mailed to my address and they asked me a few ID question
MazelTough OP t1_ivkrsfh wrote
You verify with your address and dob
moderndukes t1_ivksea5 wrote
That’s what I said.
MazelTough OP t1_ivkyozg wrote
I’m just letting people know they don’t need their sample ballot or voter ID card.
D0NNIENARCO t1_ivjzihj wrote
It seems like it works on the honor system now
MazelTough OP t1_ivkqqhz wrote
Yes, after initial voting. It’s impossible to vote twice with our electronic voter rolls, so we aren’t stressed about micromanaging where your down ballot votes are going.
D0NNIENARCO t1_ivkr4ms wrote
Not too concerned about people voting twice, that should be easy as shit to prevent. I'm a little more concerned about people impersonating their elderly neighbor, for example.
Mainly I just see zero reason to not require an ID... you need one for pretty much everything else already.
MazelTough OP t1_ivkzaf9 wrote
I think there can be arguments that it’s more likely that one happens than the other, so it’s a net benefit to society to make it easy to vote by not having onerous ID requirements. The poorest of individuals are most likely to suffer from not having money for a state ID, which is a not super useful $20 to spend to vote.
D0NNIENARCO t1_ivkzkb4 wrote
I don't think an adult having an ID is onerous requirement whatsoever. You already need one to open a bank account, sign up for food stamps, apply for welfare, apply for unemployment, rent a house/apartment, apply for a job, get married, picking up certain prescriptions from the pharmacy, and a whole laundry list of other things.
MazelTough OP t1_ivkzne6 wrote
[deleted] t1_ivlaif7 wrote
D0NNIENARCO t1_ivlavsx wrote
I don't hate anyone, I just don't see the logic behind not requiring an ID to vote when every other basic function of society already requires one.
[deleted] t1_ivlayu8 wrote
D0NNIENARCO t1_ivlbofi wrote
I voted democrat, you seem like a lovely person, though.
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