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notniceicehot t1_iy793ic wrote

right, the must-do Baltimore experience of getting plain paper shopping bags? am I missing something??


EfficiencySuch6361 t1_iy7evsl wrote

Going to the outdoor pool at sagamore pendry is such a stupid tourism suggestion


Charming_Wulf t1_iy7uhsn wrote

With 6-12 breweries inside city limits, they go with a national brewery outside the city.

Yes, I know it's a tourist attraction and they probably pay Visit Baltimore for advertising. Still such a sad wiff.


jabbadarth t1_iy7z0x9 wrote

I think they use 5 year olds for designers.

My first grader just made a collage of his favorite things that was pretty similar to this, just swap the expensive hotel for a shark and it's nearly identical.


Dogsinabathtub t1_iy826xv wrote

That’s not even the beer they make at that brewery.

They make the Guinness blonde there


jupitaur9 t1_iy827wo wrote

What is the pink fluffy thing?


MahoganyShip t1_iy84q5p wrote

I put more effort into this comment than they put into that ad


RL_Mutt t1_iy86nos wrote

I could make better ads for $150k a year. You dare me?


MuffinRat84 t1_iy87hr9 wrote

In college I interviewed for an internship there and it wasn't made clear until the interview that it was unpaid...I had a job in college and told them it was a problem to leave my job for an unpaid internship, they really tried to sell me on the "experience of hard work" I would gain.... meanwhile I worked 4-5 days a week already. Which needless to say I was offended and turned them down. This ad looks like one of their unpaid workers made it.


jabbadarth t1_iy88ozv wrote

I haven't checked since it opened but when they first opened it was $100 for a day pass if you weren't a guest at the hotel. Maybe that's gone or maybe they just don't check.


Competitive-Calzone t1_iy892w1 wrote

It is the only Guinness Brewery in the United States and its 10 min outside of the city... seems like a good way to get people outside of the city to click.

Did you by chance go to their instagram and click the ad? I doubt it. Its an instagram story, a user has 10 seconds to decide if they want to click or not.

"Baltimore was once known as a wet city due to its aversion to Prohibition rules, so it’s safe to say we have no shortage of watering holes. Here, you can enjoy a beer in a converted church or try a cocktail in an award-winning speakeasy. We’re also home to the only stateside Guinness brewery, Open Gate, as well as a host of local craft breweries and distilleries. Whether you’re looking for a place to pregame a Ravens or Orioles game, enjoy a romantic evening or try something experimental, there’s a Baltimore bar for every occasion."

It links to this list


B-More_Orange t1_iy8ah6i wrote

That’s to go to the pool itself. As long as there aren’t private events or something, you’re able to walk back and get drinks at the pool bar without paying any sort of day charge.


Charming_Wulf t1_iy8bts4 wrote

Oh, I did. And I've been on that Visit Baltimore brewery list page (where do you think I got my initial brewery count estimation?). And from a marketing stand point, I totally understand putting an internationally recognized brand on your promo materials.

However that is a systemic issue and source of complaints about Maryland and Baltimore governments. That Gov't entities will work hard and promote for non-homegrown companies over growing local. Yes Guinness is just outside the city, but Heavy Seas is Maryland born and just down the street. Or why not Union Brewery, which is probably the largest brewery inside city limits.

I'm happy Guinness is in Maryland. But all you need to do is rewind to when the Guinness tap room license exemption became public. The fall out from that really shows how antagonistic the govt is to local grown business. Especially if a lobby is (illogically) fearful of profit impact (distributors).


Competitive-Calzone t1_iy8cbb4 wrote

>However that is a systemic issue and source of complaints about Maryland and Baltimore governments. That Gov't entities will work hard and promote for non-homegrown companies over growing local. Yes Guinness is just outside the city, but Heavy Seas is Maryland born and just down the street. Or why not Union Brewery, which is probably the largest brewery inside city limits.

Tourists they are trying to attract are not going to want to get this deep into it.


Getmeakitty t1_iy8d3ay wrote

The blank brown paper bags are really selling me on this city!!


ASnarkyHero t1_iy8dg5h wrote

Did I make this? No. Even my shitty Photoshop skills could come up with something better than this.


ice_cold_fahrenheit t1_iy8dk3k wrote

I went in and took pictures with friends at their pool at one time. Granted one of those friends was staying at the hotel, but there weren’t any guards guarding the pool or anything.


_Pliny_ t1_iy8ewc9 wrote

This ad makes it look like there’s not much to do here. Which is false.

> Crabs! And, uh… we’ve got a pool!


aredhon t1_iy8fpwe wrote

This is horrible, it’s actually embarrassing. Baltimore has some of the best cultural institutions in the world, (glad AVAM is acknowledged) we have a library that never fails to make the top 10 most beautiful list, the USS Constellation, I could go on & on. How about the totally unique Baltimore screen paintings & duckpin bowling?!


urkuhh t1_iy8gg14 wrote

I’m just getting back into design & only use free apps on my phone & I COULD DO BETTER🤦🏼‍♀️


Nicktendo t1_iy8hff0 wrote

Aren't these guys using an agency from NYC? Would explain the lack of local awareness


EfficiencySuch6361 t1_iy8j5i5 wrote

I’m with dogsinabathtub on this one. Anyone who would be visiting Baltimore isn’t going to know about obscure beers only available at that brewery, especially when the image is clearly their flagship stout that’s only brewed in Ireland


Brendan_f18 t1_iy8k0tg wrote

What?! How can you tell that it's clearly their flagship stout? The milk stout looks identical in the glass. Dogsinabathtub stated that the beer they make at that brewery is the Guinness blonde, and I said that, factually, they make many other beers including stouts at that brewery. As a fan of many of the local Baltimore breweries and craft beer in general, it's commonly known that many of their new stouts that are widely distributed are brewed in their Baltimore County facility. They're not "obscure" in any way.


jaxdraw t1_iy8l90i wrote

I'm fairly certain they don't make guiness stout in the Baltimore facility


EfficiencySuch6361 t1_iy8mm37 wrote

That’s very obviously not a nitro head like the visitbaltimore picture shows

Quick check on beer advocate shows the milk stout with 125 ratings and Guinness stout with 6,164 ratings (also the milk stout is discontinued) so yeah I would call having 2% of the ratings as relatively obscure


Brendan_f18 t1_iy8nduk wrote

The point stands, they make more than just the blonde at that brewery location, and many of the beers they brew are stouts. If you want to fault Visit Baltimore for accidentally posting a nitro rather than a standard stout (although both are served at the location) go ahead, but seems nit-picky to me. Maybe they meant to post the Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Stout, or the Gingerbread Spiced Stout, or the Mint Chocolate Stout.

Of course the Guinness Stout is going to have more ratings, it's sold all over the world and has been around for hundreds of years. I don't see your point. By your metrics, many beers brewed in Baltimore are "obscure" when you compare them to Bud Light.

You can also go to the brewery to have a Guinness stout brewed in Ireland, go on a tour of the Baltimore brewery that has historical information about the brewery, and maybe try a brew from the newer location while you're there. I vastly prefer going to many of the breweries within walking distance of me, but I think Guinness is also a great time.


Sunnyhunnibun t1_iy8pldv wrote

Haha, like all the museums, art galleries, cool little hole in the wall places, the markets and festivals.....naaaah, no one wants that. But a pool! And and a paper bag!


kimjongev t1_iy8r442 wrote

This is hysterical, let's get a local reporter on this story


christwin t1_iy8rl35 wrote

Anyone visiting Baltimore might not know which specific "obscure" beers are only available at the brewery, but I would think that many people visiting the brewery would know that more than just the Blonde is brewed and available there, just like any other brewery you would visit in the country lol. How does the fact that they brew lesser known "obscure" beers negate the fact that they brew much more than just the Blonde in Baltimore, including a variety of stouts (like the one in the image)?


Dogsinabathtub t1_iy8ty6f wrote

I’ve been there. I like it a lot. I know they do stouts but their flagship is the Baltimore blonde.

It’s just funny to me that someone clearly just google imaged “Guinness” and picked the first thing they saw for this graphic.


EntireAd9048 t1_iy8uknf wrote

CEO of Visit Baltimore was promoted by Scott when he was on the council and retained in the position by him as council pres and now as mayor.

Stuff like this is why it's infuriating to long time residents when Brandon says things like "wE gOTta dO BeTTer yAll"


gaytee t1_iy8x0rn wrote

Or maybe, it has everything to do with how you carry yourself and not the color of your skin. Look nice and walk in anywhere and you’ll get respect. Act like a fool, look like shit, and think everyone’s racist, well…you can get the fuck out or pay $100 to get in.


gaytee t1_iy8x5vq wrote

Why would they use decorative retail bags tho? Everyone knows what the brown paper bag around the tall boy looks like and it surely isn’t the bag you’d expect your products from urban outfitters to come in.


umbligado t1_iy8xg3d wrote

Honestly, this is fine. It’s not particularly great work, but they pump out hundreds of pieces of content a year just on social media alone (so thousands every few years). I’m not going to make a blanket judgment on one single deliverable…which isn’t really meant to stand on its own anyway, but serve as a feeder to the website.

I also very much doubt the CEO is signing off on every single piece of content — don’t really see the relevance.


gaytee t1_iy8xgxx wrote

Yes, because it’s a Guinness factory, brewery, etc. regardless of what they make, people will know a pint of Guinness across the world when you see it. Any blonde looks the same.


justlikeyou14 t1_iy8yfjg wrote

Baltimore: The city of poorly collaged cut-outs.


gaytee t1_iy8zdkf wrote

And nobody knows what it is either way. That’s the point. This is bad marketing regardless, but using the OG iconic pint of Guinness to market the Guinness brewery is correct. Marketing is about reaching people with things they connect with.


gaytee t1_iy8zij1 wrote

All I’m saying is the bag in the photo probably costa 3-4 bucks and looks like it’s from some artisanal coffee shop.

Nobody’s putting a tall boy or a 40 in that bag.


Nintendoholic t1_iy8zz2q wrote

That's just icing on the shit sundae they were trying to serve you

I wasn't being sarcastic, fwiw. Anyone who tries to sell you an opportunity with "hard work" is your absolute enemy


EfficiencySuch6361 t1_iy93bbj wrote

The stout that u are claiming that it is, isn’t nitro. Now claiming it might be a different stout… yeah ok sure. If I put a pale yellow glass of beer with BUDWEISER on the glass, are ppl going to think it’s Budweiser or one of their far less popular beers? The Guinness open gate brewery is great to visit but ur argument is idiotic


rien_nom t1_iy93twv wrote

I think the point OP is making is that if they pay the CEO that much why not pay for a better designer? Then we can have quality ads/marketing for our city.


christwin t1_iy93yc2 wrote

The "Nitro Barrel-Aged Imperial Stout" isn't a nitro? You should let them know so they can correct their taplists ASAP! I would highly recommend it, though. Seemed like a nitro to me!

Also, if they poured me that beer and put it in a Guinness glass, it would still be a Guinness because it's a Guinness beer brewed at the Baltimore Guinness Brewery. What an absolutely bizarre hill to die on.


moderndukes t1_iy98sra wrote

No, it's pretty obvious that the thing is an Instagram Story with a link to a list of things to do and that those are shopping bags. The above commenter even edited their comment to say "shopping" when it originally only said "plain paper bags." If you think it takes the CEO who themselves definitely didn't make that social media post to figure that out, that's on you.


JohnBarleyCorn2 t1_iy99rs6 wrote

there is a hotel near the inner harbor - can't remember the name, but my friends and I used to go in there and go swimming all the time and nobody said anything to us. That was back in the mid-90's though. One of my friends pissed on the hot rocks in the sauna once...smelled up the whole area.


26thandsouth t1_iy9aogm wrote

All jokes aside... Great local hack is to go post up to the outdoor bar at pendry (with swimsuits) and just tip the bartenders well, then use the pool free of charge. (Learned this first hand from those bartenders, they dont give a fuck)


mberrong t1_iy9bo4h wrote

I made better punk show flyers during my teens, than this.


zinniasinorange t1_iy9jx14 wrote

Check out the new Hotel Ulysses and their bar and restaurant. Amazing.
For food, try Puerto 511 - tiny adorable Peruvian BYO restaurant, and Allora, tiny adorable BYO Italian cafe/coffee shop/restaurant, truly excellent.


notniceicehot t1_iy9lxbu wrote

check the ottobar's calendar and see if they're doing one of their flea markets while you're visiting, sounds like it might be up your alley (they also do live music, but that's harder to miss)


EfficiencySuch6361 t1_iy9n7oc wrote

I already pointed out that u switched to a different beer when proved wrong.

Either way, nobody is going to look at a glass of dark nitro beer that says Guinness on the side that looks exactly like Guinness draught and think “oh that must not be their flagship nitro stout that’s ubiquitous worldwide”. They don’t even have nitro stouts on all the time at Open Gate so why not pick something they do more often like the wit or maybe the blonde that they specifically built that entire brewery for

It’s clearly a lazy ad by a lazy company who put almost no thought into it, but here u are dying on some nonsensical hill defending their laziness. U aren’t even defending Open Gate u are defending the losers at visit Baltimore who suck at their jobs lol. Such an idiot


Brendan_f18 t1_iy9qkib wrote

I'm just saying that, of all the criticisms you could make, this one is pretty weak. They brew stouts, even sometimes nitro stouts at the Baltimore location, and the original comment mentioned "That’s not even the beer they make at that brewery. They make the Guinness blonde there". The ad is terrible, but this criticism is a reach. No need to call the entirety of their taplist aside from the blond and the imports "obscure".


christwin t1_iy9qomo wrote

haha that wasn't me though! How was I proved wrong when I never said that? You wanted to talk about nitro stouts and I saw that they literally have their own nitro stout on tap RIGHT NOW lmao.

My initial comment wasn't even defending the ad at all. Just defending the fact that the brewery is worth visiting because they put out more than just the Blonde, including stouts (and even nitro stouts!) that the first comment referred to. It's definitely a lazy ad, but they're highlighting a local brewery by displaying a familiar type of beer that the brewery typically puts out. This has already been explained to you by another commenter, so I won't rehash it anymore than that. Your initial agreement with the fact that "That’s not even the beer they make at that brewery. They make the Guinness blonde there" is factually incorrect. Maybe "If u were less dumb" that would have sunk in by now.


umbligado t1_iy9qpkw wrote

I suppose. I guess I just disagree that this particular, relatively inconsequential piece of likely necessarily quickly assembled copy (note that the bags appear in other places on the website as well) has much import or relevance. Or that it was insufficient for the task, or that the CEO’s salary has much bearing. I mean whatever - people are welcome to gripe. Much of the rest of their graphic work is perfectly acceptable.


umbligado t1_iy9qz58 wrote

It presents well as a small image on a small screen. That was likely the primary reason it was chosen, inasmuch as money/funding also maybe (likely) played a role. But otherwise, yeah — no plans to stay there.


Brendan_f18 t1_iy9rls6 wrote

Maybe you mixed up two commenters, but I never claimed that the picture WAS the Over the Moon Milk Stout, for the record. Nobody is claiming to know EXACTLY which stout is in the photo except for you.


SnooRevelations979 t1_iy9rskf wrote

As of two years ago, they had ten people making six figures, and it's nearly all funded by hotel taxes.

I wonder what their metrics are to determine whether they are worth the outlay.


Jhiggins34 t1_iy9rwld wrote

This makes total sense for a tourist, NGL


ImBecomingMyFather t1_iy9s9rb wrote

I think I love your city because it reminds me so much of how Hamilton, ON is… where all the small businesses are the places to go try and all the big ad corporate sponsor spend is the worst shit ever…


Brendan_f18 t1_iy9tenf wrote

Why not go back and read the thread yourself instead of making me re-explain. I was simply telling him that it's not true that the brewery only makes the blonde.

He said "That’s not even the beer they make at that brewery." when in fact they've made stouts including nitro stouts in the past (Nitro Coffee Stout and Nitro Vanilla Mocha Stout).


opieofficial t1_iy9v7cr wrote

Some of the best performing content on the internet is written at a 5th or 6th grade level. But hey, its reddit, so let's shit on anyone that shows an inch of success.


umbligado t1_iy9zt1p wrote

But…..that’s all the webpage does…..promote local breweries. You have to scroll by 10 locals before you even see Guinness.

Often the biggest issue with churning out this kind of content is quickly getting available acceptable to use images (either licensed, approved, or public domain). Guinness was going to be the quickest and easiest option. That’s just how things shake out sometimes.


EfficiencySuch6361 t1_iya40cs wrote

Open Gate was specifically opened to produce blonde so it’s a stupid point especially since the pic looks exactly like their most famous beer which isn’t made there

That commenter never said that open gate ONLY makes Guinness blonde, u misunderstood them


Nexis4Jersey t1_iya4ghl wrote

They had some really good catchy ads last year on streaming services....made me come down and enjoy your city...but this is a hot mess...that tells me nothing about the city nor does it make me want to come.


Brendan_f18 t1_iya4ws3 wrote

Nobody is arguing over why the Open Gate brewery was opened and whether it was specifically for the blond or not, so that's irrelevant. I also never argued that the photo isn't likely the nitro stout brewed in Ireland, so I don't know why you keep repeating that. I commented initially to claim that they brew far more than just the blond, including stouts.


TitsMageesVacation t1_iya98lt wrote

Businesses are not automatically members of Visit Baltimore, you have to pay dues. There's a sliding scale based on the size/volume of your business. Visit Baltimore will in turn occasionally utilize your services or products, and include you in advertising. If Union or Heavy Seas pays dues (which are far smaller than the dues that Guinness would be charged) they can be featured in advertising.

It's not political or some systemic plot, it's just business.

And my lord, that ad is embarassing. Even with my meager photoshop skills I can drop a background out.


umbligado t1_iyahczv wrote

I mean obviously you don’t know about the famous Bagby Brown Bag Company in The Bagtown section of Baltimore! LEGENDARY. Known for being the PLAINEST brown paper bags in the business — no small feat!!

Named after Ogden Bagby, just in case there was any confusion (total coincidence he worked in the bag industry — came from a long line of astrolabe tuners).

It was so well known they almost renamed the city “Bagtimore”, with a city anthem “In the bag in Bagtimore!”.

Next you’ll be telling me you don’t know about Archibald Pescocero, the squid mayor (1887-1888; sadly assassinated, fried, and eaten) or the horrifying wiener schnitzel hurricane of aught six??!!

Kids these days, am I right??!! 🙄


Autumn_Sweater t1_iyaluat wrote

the prior comment is saying you can get away with going to hotel pools, and my response is in line with what they said, not about them literally being free to the public. but to try to give you an actual answer, i don't have a pool but what i've heard is that for liability reasons most home insurance policies want you to have a fence around your pool so that it's clear that a trespasser has crossed your fence to swim in your pool, in case they want to sue you for something after that.


tommykaye t1_iyast60 wrote

Don’t forget the Guiness brewery! Near the airport.


PeteDontCare t1_iyb4ihs wrote

I think the point is that they might as well put some effort into it and still make the click bait really good, not just throw together some shit and be happy someone followed to the site. Whether it really matters or not, it still makes a difference, and you might as well not suggest you don't give a shit. It should be a bit better than good enough if they really give a shit about projecting a good image of the city and aiding with tourism in Baltimore


Staywithherjohnny t1_iybiuvn wrote

Ireland gets the Ravens and The Wire if ye are taking Guinness lol


maurasupiall t1_iybmgha wrote

Super confused about all the visit baltimore slander! Didn’t realize a tourism website could cause such hubbub


Cepia OP t1_iyc4u28 wrote

I don’t know about you guys but I’m still loving that 10pt FFF stroke