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LongjumpingShot t1_iw6wxso wrote

I saw a group of 12ish year olds harassing (pushing and pulling hair) of small group girls. After watching it a minute and seeing it wasn’t self resolving. I walked up to the group.

The young girls found this as their chance to escape. I asked if they were ok. They said yes and thanked me for intervening.

I approached them. Asked them why they pulling her hair and told him to respect women. He lied and said he wasn’t doing anything and proceeded to follow the girls. One of the boys tried to convince the boys to go away from the trouble. But he was over ruled and followed after the boys looking for trouble.

I circled the block to see if the girls were safe but kind of lost them.

My girlfriend asked why I brought a weapon they were a bunch of middle schoolers. These are aggressive boys and they were going to take this lecture in treating people and I was going to walk away unscathed is why I took a weapon.

But if you didn’t have any protection and out numbered, you did the right thing. Give them your phone.

Track the phone and find then later. Try to find someone who will let you call the police and log into your phone finder. Do it quickly before they turn it off. If they turn it off immediately set up notification so you’re alerted when it’s back online and then reach officers to investigate the location.