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ardhanarisvara t1_iw76ama wrote

Sighs, as someone this has also happened to (not in Baltimore but in a really nice neighborhood in Berkeley, California) the primary lesson I drew was to never assume a group of young boys is unthreatening. Clockwork Orange was a cautionary tale, as far as I'm concerned, and 2+ boys is enough to freak me out now. As soon as I see a group approaching, I cross the street and start scanning for the nearest place I can duck into should they follow. Whenever possible I don't carry valuables while walking, but, I do try to be sure to carry cash so I don't piss them off and get shot, raped, or otherwise injured out of boredom, anger, or malice. When I was robbed at gunpoint by 15 year olds I had nothing on me and they seemed insulted by that. Carrying a 20 in an empty pocket is now a kind of reflex - better to have something to hand over than my life, just in case.