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STrRedWolf t1_j109mdw wrote

Prior to COVID-19, everyone was packed because Baltimore was packed. You had people coming into the office, working 8-9 hours, coming out, getting drinks during happy hour, maybe a dinner, take a show or two, drinks afterwards, stumble on home and hope not to get mugged or stabbed or shot while you were at it.

Now... well, everything's shifted to work-from-home and most companies have kept a hybrid approach. Some companies have even reduced their "footprint" or office space used... because you can do it from home. My office, for instance, was about 80 people on the floor... and now it's zero. Support staff are in the datacenter's office now. Last time I went, it was basically a ghost town.

So there's not many people going into the office. They're not driving into Baltimore, having happy hour, taking a show, yada yada yada. And thus why your local dive's not open at O'dark 30.


PigtownFoo t1_j13pdcv wrote

Funny how everyone’s life has changed and adjusted but they somehow think everything is still the same for small businesses. It’s not business as usual! Cut ‘em a break.