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shinytoyguns617 t1_j2batl3 wrote

Hello! I moved here this past May from Baltimore. I consider it to be safe if you are going to be staying in/keeping to yourself and going to the commercial areas. You have nearly every kind of modern convenience within 15 minutes. I highly recommend Planet Fitness for a gym as it's hardly ever busy, friendly staff, decent locker rooms, CHEAP, and they keep it incredibly clean. Grocery store selection can be tough because you're not guaranteed to get the item you want if you go to certain stores (like Aldi, Lidl. Walmart has been out of stock of some staples lately). I think you will fit in just fine here! If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask.

p.s. Ollie's is my favorite store around here, you can find stuff for much cheaper than regular store price. Just check the expiration dates on food!