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S-Kunst t1_j1al8zj wrote

I hope this was a less than a full article. Other wise it is like watching the same prequel for the last 50 yrs. It is a shame that we have to keep educating the public about the many bad things that were planned, just before and after WWII to create American city ghettos. Some of us have known the causes for years, but we never get to the phase of possible cures. Its no different than watching a movie about the black death but never getting to the cure. I am not sure if a full length article comparing Bolton Hill to Mondawmin would be any better, as I know the article would spend most of its ink on rehashing what is already known.
What I want to hear are possible solutions and plans to try them, evaluate them and move on to the next one if that one does not work. I don't expect the first one or the 100th one to be the perfect answer. That is how research is done. Edison failed hundreds of times, with his invention of the incandescent light, even the one that did work, better than the others, had to be refined. We have spent 50 yrs in the idle mode. always listening to the nay-sayers and fear mongers who want the status quo to continue. Most of them are located out side the city anyway.