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sxswnxnw t1_j2cdjnz wrote

Wow, more going on there than bad urban design.

Robbing a bank in Canton, if true, is ballsy. And of course, stupid.


whereismom t1_j2d90az wrote

Worst parking lot!


TerranceBaggz t1_j2e0glz wrote

It’s just terrible land use in general. Guess that’s what we get when a petroleum company leases a chunk of land for over half a century and leaves it toxic.


CaptainObvious110 t1_j2ebwed wrote

Exactly. That land is very close to the water. One would expect it to be really valuable land that would be much better utilized.

Harbor point is being built on with little problem despite it's history so why can't the same be the case for Canton Crossing?

That target should have been two stories and more stores added as well so that it becomes a place to chill and shop.

Across Boston street should be taller buildings and more restaurants that are actually sit down establishments. Basically a denser space than what's there now.


PostPunkBurrito t1_j2dkwr7 wrote

Why more so than robbing a bank anywhere else?


crusader86 t1_j2dv4dw wrote

No easy way out if escaping by vehicle? Traffic there is a mess.


sxswnxnw t1_j2e1ujm wrote

Bingo. Like how tf did they even escape? If imma rob a bank, let me be on a main drag somewhere.