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RuthBaderG OP t1_j195p9k wrote

I’d def see an NP. I’ve had issues with PCP prescribing. They seem uncomfortable with long term medication use so they keep saying they can’t write for me. But they also have no idea how to taper so they basically just say good luck out there.


Timid_Teacher t1_j19uinj wrote

I see a NP through Hopkins Community Physicians and I’ve had no issues with getting anxiety medication prescribed. I only see her once a year and get refills when I need it.


DiscoDeadhead t1_j1aesyf wrote

Would you be willing to share the name of your NP? Mine requires me to see her 4x a year and doesn’t take insurance


Timid_Teacher t1_j1bbx79 wrote

I don't know who the hell downvoted me. Ugh...Reddit. I see Amber Reichart in Remington. She's great and very helpful.


DiscoDeadhead t1_j1aem3t wrote

I use Leslie Poff for medication, she does everything via Telehealth and I only have to see her 4x a year