Submitted by Interstate8 t3_zglmqs in baltimore

This morning around 7:15-30am, I was driving south on MLK when around 15-20 unmarked police cars came flying from eastbound from Pennsylvania Ave onto MLK southbound, all with lights and sirens. They were all black, some sedans, some SUVs. I'd say it looked like a presidential motorcade, but they were going too fast I think. Any clue what might've been going on?



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scoutsadie t1_izhncgb wrote

i would guess motorcade, too - perhaps running late?


wookiee_borg t1_izhrr39 wrote

I’m going to guess FBI. They would have the matching cars, their office is in the general direction you saw them coming from, and if, for example, there were a possible threat at the Federal Courthouse downtown they would respond like that. They also don’t like telling people when they’ve done something, which is why whether it was a police action or false alarm, it would be unlikely to make the news.


S-Kunst t1_izienpm wrote

When I came into town on Harford Rd near 25th st, around 4:30pm there were many police cars on both sides of road with lights flashing but not stopping traffic.


YorickTheCat t1_izikxrx wrote

They sped like that down MLK yesterday afternoon too and headed on to I-95. Edit: Nevermind, it may have been yesterday morning, the same as you saw. My dog walks are all running together in my head.