Submitted by MollyClock t3_zh5ld4 in baltimore
TheButtholer69 t1_izke8c1 wrote
He’s just asking for it with the Element
No_name_Johnson t1_izkg9jh wrote
It's amazing how un-keyed his car is.
theyeoftheiris t1_izkgmdj wrote
Pretty bold for someone driving an Element lmao
fergiethefocus t1_izkh1y8 wrote
6flightsup t1_izkhkcn wrote
OldTreePuncher t1_izkjgan wrote
I see stickers like this all over Dundalk and Essex, its honestly pretty funny to me considering how much these folks rely on things like Amazon giving handouts
stelkurtainTM t1_izkjhvp wrote
No, it’s not. You could zoom in to see for yourself.
fordprefect294 t1_izkjiri wrote
Bumper sticker on the right side checks out
fordprefect294 t1_izkjonw wrote
It's a winged police badge. Not saying police militarism isn't seriously problematic, but wings by default aren't necessarily a nazi reference.
LukeW0rm t1_izkk0jr wrote
Ok fair enough
1dayitwillmakesense t1_izkk7ju wrote
Thank you for your service officer!
Alaira314 t1_izkkcdd wrote
It's like they all think that rhyming "Joe" with "ho" is the height of cleverness, instead of just sexist shittery. The worst I saw was shortly after the 2020 election, when a customer wore a mask that was a collage of the two Biden's faces(multiple of each) with the text: "JOE AND HO." Imagine hating someone so much that you plaster their faces all over your face, and then go out in public looking like that. 🤔
Anyway, I didn't pick a fight over the mask. Technically "ho" was enough to get a warning(and a bouncing if he wouldn't stop displaying the text), but given the context I considered myself fortunate he was wearing a mask at all and didn't want to rock that boat by asking him to change it. No other customers complained(I would have had to ask him to take it off if they had), so I just let him have his "win."
butipreferlottie t1_izkkhn9 wrote
I wonder if it's the same dude who was flying a homemade Joe and the Hoe flag off his porch in Remington for a while (might still be up, haven't been that way in a minute).
I looked at a house on that block, and the idea of having him as a neighbor, plus the fact the other neighbors didn't destroy the thing, made me look elsewhere. The house's horrifying basement didn't help either.
fordprefect294 t1_izkkp1d wrote
If actual neo nazis are going to bitch that "everything liberals don't like is labeled nazism", it behooves society to be more careful with the word
professorparmesan t1_izklw5u wrote
What a silly little car
Due-Net-88 t1_izklzgh wrote
Because TBH it’s better off to ignore these people than fight or take their flag or whatever. A. It does the public service of letting you know who the crazies are but also B. they WANT adversity. The worst thing you can do to someone like this is pay them no attention.
magictheblathering t1_izknco7 wrote
Is that a Honda Element?
No, it’s ACAB.
addctd2badideas t1_izko58l wrote
Showing you were at the Jan 6 insurrection without explicitly saying that you were there.
Skylinerr t1_izkoh2z wrote
Probably has an Uno deck sized stack of pba cards.
PM_ME_UR_CC_INFO t1_izkospy wrote
Exactly. Somebody took my relative’s thin blue line flag and sprayed fuck twelve on their lawn and it just made him feel like he’s justified.
waterorsharks t1_izkotmi wrote
I thought the license plate said "Retired Police Ass"
TheSnowKeeper t1_izkp3gr wrote
My first thought! Haha. Like, slow your role, hot stuff haha.
[deleted] t1_izkp4eb wrote
ratpH1nk t1_izkpf7i wrote
it is the life is hard...harder if you are stupid sticker that smacks of irony. It is funny, just not for the reason they believe.
TheSimulacra t1_izkqfxs wrote
TheSimulacra t1_izkqlsg wrote
I don't think the point was to change your pro-cop relative's mind. Seems like their mind was already made up.
Matt3989 t1_izkqukb wrote
Why not? License plates are literally made for public display.
TheSimulacra t1_izkqwf4 wrote
Yeah because it's such private information normally
TheDelig t1_izkqwvl wrote
The AWD Element with a manual transmission was near the top of my list for a new car a few years ago. So useful. But it gets like F-150 fuel mileage while having a 2.4L engine. So that was the killer for me. Still a cool car though.
TheSimulacra t1_izkr1e0 wrote
1312 especially this guy
PM_ME_UR_CC_INFO t1_izkr7ve wrote
Idk what their goal was (i agree it wasn’t to change his mind, they were probably just acting in anger, or they thought “this will show him what other people think of his beliefs”) but stuff like that makes these crazy retired cops double down on their beliefs. He posted about it online and his whole community just fed his ego
TheSimulacra t1_izks7si wrote
I don't think that matters. These people find any excuse to feed their persecution complexes, just watch Fox News. They flipped out over Starbucks cups, ffs. If they don't have anything they'll invent it, because there's always money in the outrage industry.
SpaceMamboNo5 t1_izkspjf wrote
Aight so in the first two he's using the stripes as "e"s, but then pits the stripes next to "Go". So either he spelled "Joe" and "Hoe" wrong or he spelled "Go" wrong. In short, his life must be pretty tough cause he's pretty stupid.
SpaceMamboNo5 t1_izkt0lt wrote
Ah man you beat me to it
sage_naps t1_izkt7ly wrote
You feel the same way bout I'm with hers etc right
paddlebawler t1_izkt98h wrote
Thought license plates were supposed to be blurred out before posting.
mockingjay137 t1_izkthji wrote
I hope someone steals the catalytic converter since I hear those elements are prime targets for it lol
kingliljanky t1_izku1b3 wrote
Here comes John Wayne. Im not gonna cry about my pa. I'm gonna build an airport, put my name on it. Why Michael, so you can fly away from your feelings?
NoImpact3813 t1_izku62m wrote
the 'hoe' part feels especially unnecessary...
kingliljanky t1_izkuh97 wrote
Best way to implode their minds: ask them to expound upon their talking points. Seriously, just ask "why do joe & the hoe gotta goe?" And after a couple regurgitations from Cucker & Gang @ Fox, these bumper sticker types typically get pretty flabbergasted and shut down.
DirtyPolecat t1_izkwb1r wrote
There's nothing private about a license plate. I have no idea where this idea came from. It's only a courtesy if someone blurs it, but they don't have to.
MarthaFletcher t1_izkwkv0 wrote
Frankly it's impressive that the correct version of "you're" was used
MollyClock OP t1_izkx02d wrote
I drive a Ford F350
JimHalverson t1_izkx3u9 wrote
Stay classy…
[deleted] t1_izkxwie wrote
[deleted] t1_izkxx1t wrote
GrittyMcGrittyface t1_izkxy5j wrote
Mistakes of yore
motvek t1_izky4ap wrote
Is that the old Hilary one? Yes. And the coexist ones. And the Vegan ones. All the above.
sage_naps t1_izkz622 wrote
I agree they're all kinda silly. Funny I still see Obama ones and even Kerry ones. They don't stay relevant forever! Do you like any bumper stickers?
theyeoftheiris t1_izkzel0 wrote
I mean, at the very least, drive an American car if that's how you feel lmao.
theyeoftheiris t1_izkzhjy wrote
At that rate, you might as well drive an F-150.
motvek t1_izkzyfm wrote
I think having a single window sticker is acceptable if it’s something like your Alma mater or a group/passion you’re a part of, anything beyond that and your car looks like a middle schoolers notebook.
It shouts “look at me” and I’m just not a fan, and I also think you’re leaving yoursed susceptible to targeted by some drunk asshole to key your shit if your sticker has any potential for someone to oppose it.
Nottheface1337 t1_izl0yae wrote
To domestically abuse their spouse*
TheSeekerOfSanity t1_izl12ol wrote
Folks, that’s a weak car. We need powerful, strong cars. Cars that win. I call this car, get this! - Loser Car! Came up with it myself. Only I can come up with nicknames like that.
RevRagnarok t1_izl2csn wrote
Be sure to salute them any time you go by. One finger for 45's single term, right?
HookerBot5000 t1_izl2j5c wrote
That jab pisses me off so much. There is no reason for it and shits like that Honda driver only say that because she is a brown woman. Disgusting.
Huplescat22 t1_izl2rn6 wrote
I may not have agreed with John Wayne's atavistic right-wing politics, but I never exactly thought that he was stupid.
PancakeJamboree302 t1_izl30cv wrote
In absolutely no way am I supporting that sticker, but I believe it was because she was rumored to have slept her way to success in California, not because of racism. Again, sticker bad, but not due to racism. Just sexism.
ActualSpamBot t1_izl3whi wrote
elcad t1_izl3zn5 wrote
The Elements were made in America. Ohio if I remember correctly. More American than a Silverado made in Canada.
theyeoftheiris t1_izl69p9 wrote
Well, TIL.
NoImpact3813 t1_izl6ueg wrote
i would assume it's a little bit of both
Flaky-Fellatio t1_izl8ptw wrote
I drive all around this nation. This is actually pretty tame compared to some of the stuff I see on unnecessarily massive pickup trucks in the sticks. It always tickles me that they think this kind of nasty, name calling will convince anyone of their opinion. They're honestly the best propaganda the democratic party could possibly produce.
LaraineAgain t1_izlb9sw wrote
What the heck does the whole Joe is a ho thing mean even…. I’ve seen that several times and it’s just so insanely juvenile. Like Hooray — you’re rhyming! Gold star for you!
blankster85 t1_izlb9sa wrote
Sounds like they are having a tough life :P
getzgetsit t1_izlcszg wrote
Lol at the dumbass that thinks liberalism and Liberals are the same thing
Oh wait, it's a retired cop. Probably not a mistake that they want to end consent of the governed
Tahh t1_izlcu0x wrote
Lay off, they're speaking from experience
davethadude t1_izlcyt1 wrote
Who cares? Its a stupid bumper sticker. Move on with your life. I think all political bullshit on cars is stupid and the only thing more stupid is the people that get all worked up over them lol.
Tahh t1_izld3os wrote
Jo "and" the ho gotta go, think about it for a second - yeah it's that bad
VVillyD t1_izld6ee wrote
Fuck the police
otterplus t1_izldb6x wrote
Amazon is the new Bethlehem Steel without the benefits
1dayitwillmakesense t1_izldb5y wrote
How did no one understand I meant this sarcastically, like yes obviously fuck this guy.
NoResource698 t1_izldd01 wrote
gotta goe
VVillyD t1_izldd12 wrote
They're referring to the VP as "the hoe"
VVillyD t1_izldf7x wrote
You're the kind of person who sits blithely by while fascists take over.
chesapeakes t1_izldy1x wrote
If only every misogynist was this easy identify
TheSyrianItalian t1_izle18f wrote
Not necessarily a cop. Anyone can purchase that specialty plate,m. They assume cops will not pull them over. If I was hauling drugs that would be my plate too.
davethadude t1_izlen47 wrote
…because i dont get all worked up over a bumper sticker? LOL
RSI_daddy t1_izleocf wrote
Well that’s a straight up lie. The pre-qualifications are clear as day for the BRPBA license plate. See here:
devilspeaksintongues t1_izlg77e wrote
I saw a bumper sticker today saying "I CAN TWEET MEAN STUFF NOW" with a pic of the Twitter bird with a trump wig.
radicalbxchg t1_izli2u3 wrote
Keeping it classy as always Maryland
Nottheface1337 t1_izlio1g wrote
…Missed the Nazi-esque symbol under the brake light. Domestically abuse partner then blame the Jews*
[deleted] t1_izlmkok wrote
devilsporkchop t1_izlo2cv wrote
Self fulfilling prophecy
6FeetBeneathTheMoon t1_izlrvoe wrote
Nah the benefits are good, it's the wages that aren't.
DeliMcPickles t1_izls0ox wrote
Those are wings. I'm guessing the sticker is something to do with Foxtrot.
DeliMcPickles t1_izls7lt wrote
Oh, retired guys are the worst. They are all bluster and bumper stickers. They're not still in the mix and they don't have to deal with any of the actual work anymore. They just have the bravado.
TheDelig t1_izlsnpl wrote
I bought a Pontiac Vibe. It's a tiny truck econo box thing. That happens to actually be a Toyota. Excellent car.
GoodEyeSniper83 t1_izlwpja wrote
From Carroll. Can confirm.
Nottheface1337 t1_izlx0ai wrote
Genuinely unsure what foxtrot is. If it is some flight/helicopter related police force cool. Too close to a Reichsadler for me. But. I’m not here to say wings shouldn’t be added to things. Typically, the more wings the better imo
LaraineAgain t1_izlxfs6 wrote
Well holy shit that takes it to a new level. Gross. So gross.
okdiluted t1_izlxj1d wrote
they post about it to their insular communities and think things like putting thin blue lines all over their cars matter bc they're genuinely terrified of their actions having consequences. the more pushback they get, the more scared they get. there's a reason you don't hear anything from that neo-nazi richard spencer anymore, and it's because he got too scared to show his face in public when people wouldn't stop punching it.
blkkang410ho t1_izlxk1l wrote
Yet mofos love cops smh
LaraineAgain t1_izly20r wrote
Yeah I missed the “and” — completely gross. Part of me thinks this stuff is just the “own the libs” sort of sentiment — they just let it fly to get a reaction/hopefully get the ole “libtards and snowflakes” to freak out. My friend has a brother (so unfortunate for her) that constantly just texts her the most amazing bullcr*p in an effort to get a response from her. The dude votes against his own family’s interests in order to “own the libs.” The stupidity and small-mindedness have no bounds…
Lopsided_Study5911 t1_izlyvlu wrote
You better redneckognize!!
AssesAssesEverywhere t1_izm0rtl wrote
Projection is a helluva drug.
Pinkpajamamama t1_izm31nx wrote
judeiscariot t1_izm3www wrote
Move to? They usually already live there before retirement.
cologne_peddler t1_izm8fy2 wrote
> A retired cop with shitty takes still in the city is kind of rare.
Shitty takes plastered on their car you mean? Because if you get to chat with them, they got shitty takes for days
Edit: Nevermind. You meant that they move once they retire. I overlooked the word "retired" somehow.
gardengirl99 t1_izmbf4o wrote
Protect and serve, amirite?
Velghast t1_izmbhl3 wrote
Say what you will about the Honda Element but it's a very versatile vehicle the fold-up seats in the back are awesome for off-roading if you want to have a slumber party in the backseat of your car. I used to bring an inflatable mattress put up the back seats and have a night under the stars because the sunroof. People gave me s*** about it until we were out in the sticks.
AddyKat719 t1_izmcqpw wrote
You know I was all for Biden. But fuck Joe for real. We just traded a " merchant of death " for a fucking basketball player cause she was black? I'll get downvoted but idgaf it's the truth. Meanwhile we have actual American spys and Marines over there still stuck??
Dr_Midnight t1_izmh02l wrote
> Genuinely unsure what foxtrot is.
This is "Foxtrot":
baltimore-mods t1_izmhd1j wrote
License plates and the vehicles that they are attached to are readily and publicly visible to anyone driving or walking around. What is not allowed is posting private information, which a license plate is not -- though the information regarding its ownership, generally speaking, is, and would not be allowed.
DangerousCranberry38 t1_izmj1t7 wrote
I was wondering what those wings were for - at first I thought they had been to jump school but zoomed in to see “police.”
DangerousCranberry38 t1_izmja5m wrote
Exactly. I’m a member of the “no-identifying-information-on-my-car” club. This ain’t no Trapper Keeper.
benjancewicz t1_izmlwy3 wrote
I love mine.
onlythehappiests t1_izmpc4f wrote
He speaks from experience.
bruhbruh5000 t1_izmprs6 wrote
I’m an art teacher who drives a Subaru, I am contractually obligated to cover my car in stickers
motvek t1_izmpv8u wrote
😂😂😂 my partner is also a teacher, so you get a pass today for having a wonderful and under-appreciated profession
bruhbruh5000 t1_izmq4l6 wrote
Lol thank you!! Appreciate it💜
Similar_Coyote1104 t1_izmrcew wrote
Ironically the chemical symbol for palladium is Pd
gamboot t1_izmv1tl wrote
like the Tampa police commissioner?
TheNewJack89 t1_izn96ub wrote
I’ve honestly been thinking about rocking a thin blue line sticker because cops are dumb and would leave me alone because of it.
PhillyMila215 t1_izndfp7 wrote
Very gross and really, okay attack her politics. Attack what she does or what she hasn’t done. But to call her a ho is just sooo very strange.
fafaflooie t1_izngeic wrote
That’s a sadly accurate assessment
fafaflooie t1_izngk94 wrote
Life really IS tougher when you’re stupid.
lurkmorethanpost t1_iznhfni wrote
It wasn't cause she is black, it is cause she is an American. There is no apples for apples release. We don't unlawfully detain regular citizens, so there can be no equitable swap. You get who you can get. If the Russians were going to release Whelan, they would have. They didn't, for Trump or Biden. Should we have left one American in jail on weed charges because the Russians didn't offer the "right one"? If you can get someone out, you get them out.
And let's be clear. Whelan was demoted and booted on a Bad Conduct Discharge for being a thief. Not exactly a glorious record. We should still do everything to get him out, but this isn't like they abducted some Marine fresh off a shift with MSG.
PhillyMila215 t1_izni61x wrote
Kamala is a ho but Trump literally has three baby mamas (that we know of). I don’t care how many partners people have, or how many babies they have with them but the hypocrisy is so blatant.
What a stupid meaningless sticker.
Lostinfrance17 t1_iznjpks wrote
I wish they’d bring them back- I always wanted one.
boycotshirts t1_iznkucd wrote
Lurk you’re right on the face of it, but let’s not pretend it’s not also about how much press her case got. This was at the core of it a PR exercise for the two governments.
The shitty part of it all is that there are probably plenty of other people who have brought weed into Russia, who got the pass, where with this high profile case the ruskiis saw an opportunity to stick it to the US, and shit all over BGs life.
Now that’s also not saying it wasn’t a risk taking weed into a country that considers it contraband, she was probably trying to play the odds being a part of a popular sports team.
lurkmorethanpost t1_iznlew3 wrote
Yeah, I do agree with all of this.
Ok_Ad8609 t1_iznlz8d wrote
Ok_Ad8609 t1_iznm1rn wrote
And here I was thinking they all moved to Cecil county ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
JennyBlocks t1_iznmgbf wrote
This hateful generation will die ouuuuuuut soon enough
inthesinbin t1_iznp2ok wrote
I've seen these a lot.
Brilliant_Flake56 t1_iznpbk5 wrote
In Maryland, no less. SMDH.
Nottheface1337 t1_iznvip8 wrote
Ah! I see those guys over Patterson yelling at kids to get out of the pool all the time! Cool thank you.
loudnate0701 t1_iznz6z7 wrote
It’s referring to Kamala Harris not Jill Biden
rand0m_task t1_izo2s8i wrote
Poor assumption.
rand0m_task t1_izo3cut wrote
The most fucked up part is that we just exchanged the merchant of death for a WNBA player who had weed charges, all the while incarcerating 40,000 Americans at any given time for similar charges.
wineberry_robot t1_izo4ex4 wrote
baltimore cops actually living in the city at all is kind of rare lol
trimbandit t1_izo4gve wrote
I'm just retiring mine after 17 years and 235k miles. Engine still runs great. It has been the most useful and best vehicle I will ever own. Great for hauling dogs, surfboards, washing machine, stand up arcade etc.
benjancewicz t1_izo5i2w wrote
I got mine used for $7000. Best thing I’ve ever owned.
1Tinytodger t1_izocttf wrote
aaronstanley t1_izodrgw wrote
Retired cop. Yep - that tracks.
bardiche-like-thing t1_izodupy wrote
Stickers but not plates. I had a friend in highschool that swore by them until he got pulled over and got a DUI lol
bardiche-like-thing t1_izoe15l wrote
They are. Old coworker caught someone trying to jack his last month. He ran after the tweaker with a bat hahah
bardiche-like-thing t1_izofk1h wrote
They want nothing more than to upset people. They take such pride in ruffling feathers. Mostly because they are so strong and fearless, while we are simply snowflakes haha.. Most they get from me is a side eye and maybe a wry smile.
bardiche-like-thing t1_izogulz wrote
That's so accurate it's hilarious. I have a neighbor who put up a trump 2024 sign the day after he lost. Anyway, his lawn is littered with signs telling people not to walk their pets on his grass. Even though he chose to live in a suburban corner lot with a sidewalk. You can bet I encourage my dog to piss on his lawn hahaha his lawn is also maybe a quester acre and uses a riding mower. He truly believes he's some country dwelling bad ass. You can't make the shit up lol
Multifamilymover t1_izoi1m2 wrote
Amazing and agreed!!
Well_whatya_know t1_izojb4w wrote
No someone's out of their element
l_rufus_californicus t1_izokh55 wrote
And 45 had two years to cut a deal with his buddy Vlad for Whelan and chose instead to do… nothing.
im_not_a_numbers_guy t1_izokpvv wrote
It sucks that the only people that come to Baltimore from the county these days are retired cops with badge/Nazi mashup bumper stickers on their SUV.
Maryland spent 10 years shaming Baltimore for its problems and now no one wants to go there. Dudes like this spend their whole lives getting free "thank you for your service" coffee to perpetuate the narrative. Over the past 20 years, the state killed its only major city. Good luck with that, MD economy: You're Ohio now.
TheCardinal_ t1_izold50 wrote
I like it for the fact that it advertises “Hey, let’s never hang out” and saves others time.
6flightsup t1_izombp4 wrote
Yeah. I think there is a component of people like these that has a deep seated insecurity. They seem to think that their stickers show that they have cajones when they are very fearful on the inside. The zealous “defense” of their personal property seems to come from a place of insecurity. Same with their guns. They like to show them off and put AR 15 silhouette stickers on their cars. I own an AR and other firearms. It would be just plain stupid to advertise that fact. Unless one values the projection of some warped sense of John Wayne manliness more than tactical advantage and security. Warped manliness in a Baltimore city cop certainly checks a stereotype box!
Bonecrusher52 t1_izpccms wrote
Officer Hersl reporting for duty, sir!
Multifamilymover t1_izpnfg5 wrote
If the shoe fits. 👞
sup_wit_u_kev t1_izr816p wrote
nutag t1_izsunkr wrote
Roasted over the Honda pilot. Not how I was expecting the comments to go
DONNIENARC0 t1_izkc3jv wrote
These kinds of stickers aren't too surprising from a retired cop. A retired cop driving a Honda Element on the other hand...