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gleaming-the-cubicle t1_j0gzd8q wrote

The camera owners get like 99% of the money, not the state


maiios t1_j0h7wsa wrote

That's not true. They get a flat rate per camera. You are thinking of the old xerox contract that was terminated in 2015.


Gullil t1_j0hefkr wrote

Can you please provide a link to this claim?


canipetyourdog420 OP t1_j0h0cd3 wrote

Did not realize it was private. Either way, it will make safer streets.


Feli_Needs_Memes t1_j0jz96x wrote

In Jacksonville they were taken away because it was proven to actually increase accidents from people slamming on the breaks to avoid getting ticketed. It was argued and proven to be safer to increase the length of yellow lights and do away with cameras.