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S-Kunst t1_izp6ais wrote

Great. Limeworks. I have found lime mortar (less the sand) in Home Depots, but its hit or miss who is carrying it. Also Belair building supply sometimes has it.

I find lime mortar a little more difficult to work with than Portland, but not much. The trick is to have the moisture content as low as possible. Just enough that the stuff sticks together when you squeeze a small hand full, not too much that it squirts out of the cracks between your fingers. The tipping point between too dry & too wet is very narrow.

Many of the Youtube videos I have watched no longer are available. One series is by an Irish guy at GMT Pointing Specialists LTD. He has several on the different aspects of lime mortar pointing. Yous the keywords "lime mortar pointing" to search. Some guys are great at showing & explaining some chatter too much or wiggle the camera.