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Neither_Emu t1_j13s7l6 wrote

I mean, this is a free capitalist country. If you don’t like America you have all the freedoms in the world to leave. If you want to stay and hope to see some socialist American utopia, sorry to break it to you it won’t happen. We will never let socialism reign here. If you are looking to get to Cuba, you could always hop on one the boats the Cubans are using to escape to Florida on - you can have a one way trip back. Socialists - please. No wonder the City is in such shambles


theonetruedavid t1_j144ejj wrote

“If you don’t like it, then leave” is the war cry of fake patriots who believe our country is above criticism, when, in fact, we live in one of the most corrupt and inequitable societies of the first world nations. The rare times this lowkey shithole country has made progress towards a better and more equal society has been through the adoption of socialist programs. But keep dreaming that capitalism, a system of infinite growth in a world of finite resources, is the way forward. You know what else grows for the sake of growing? Tumors. There’s a metaphor for you…