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foodude84 t1_j6lrqui wrote

We could always put the JFX underground like they did in Boston with The Big Dig


Cunninghams_right OP t1_j6lue1u wrote

I'd rather elevate or burry the transportation and let the river flow where people can enjoy it.


MazelTough t1_j6m3wos wrote

As a whitewater kayaker I’m all for freeing the Jones Falls


SilverProduce0 t1_j6na4l5 wrote

I want it to be a log flume like at the waterpark


MazelTough t1_j6o0spe wrote

I want it to have engineered waves so it can be a whitewater destination


SilverProduce0 t1_j6o1bbr wrote

I want it to have a splashdown zone on a bridge where we can watch riders come over the crest and then get taken out by the ensuing wave.


MazelTough t1_j6o1ill wrote

Awesome place for people to watch/record carnage of beginning paddlers a la Gnarivores. With it.


Particular_Base_4456 t1_j6mf0af wrote

More than for human usage, the ecological damage of burying a river, destruction of habitat, other plant, animal, bird, fungal, etc species is MASSIVE.