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Cunninghams_right t1_j4vhxa4 wrote

I've had to deal with this. I ended up just paying them because the process for getting them cleared was so hard. I had to snail-mail a request for a police report... like, you can't even request over the phone or online. not sure if it has changed since, but what a pain.


ASK_ME_AB0UT_L00M t1_j4y8s6o wrote

I had to do this once. I needed a police report for an insurance claim. The officer who filed the report gave me a note with the report number on it and a number to call to get the report.

I called the number, and it was just a voice message with instructions to mail the request (and a list of what the request needed to include) as well as a self-addressed, stamped envelope and a check.

Honestly, what the fuck? If you can't put this process on a website, at least put the instructions on a website! God damn.


Cunninghams_right t1_j4ylc66 wrote

yeah, it's crazy how bad many city government systems are (not just baltimore). the US Conference of Mayors should really pool together to contract the creation of tools for handling basic city functions. or maybe the federal government should do it.