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UsualFirefighter9 t1_j33jm4v wrote

There's two PTs in Laurel? When I googled, came up with 1 on Washington Blvd - was Amvets a million years ago.

That store, I went down to before Xmas and the men's section was okay. Dunno your size OP but it looked like it was overloaded on small/medium stuff, large was eh, anything over that was a Hail Mary.


Few_Society5388 t1_j34531n wrote

Nah, just the one on Washington Blvd- I’m recommending the OP hit the 2nd Avenue Thrift Store on 198 across from the Home Depot/Amish market cause it’s massive.


UsualFirefighter9 t1_j3595lm wrote

Huhn. Gonna hafta tag this post and go see that one sometime. Amish market too? Woooo...I hate going to Annapolis for theirs.