Submitted by _throwaway6781234_ t3_103eozm in baltimore

Hi all! I'm starting a new job soon and will be wearing suits much of the time. Looking for recommendations about the best thrift stores in town for snagging plain men's dress shirts and shoes. Also considering schlepping down to DC to Prime Thrift on a recommendation from a former coworker but I see that there's a Patterson Park location as well? Any insight appreciated!



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S-Kunst t1_j2ywmcx wrote

Bright Penny next to the Senator theater


trymypi t1_j2zloik wrote

Bit of a hike but there are 3 Value Villages just north of DC that have always been pretty good. I've heard good things about the Savers, I think the one closer to Parkville but it might be the other in Timonium.


Few_Society5388 t1_j30at93 wrote

Don’t waste your time at the Prime Thrift in Laurel- it’s small. Go to the 2nd Avenue in Columbia or Laurel, both are like Walmart sized and carry nice/newer clothes. The one in Essex is ok but significantly smaller, I’d probably pass on that one.


gr_ayyy t1_j30lzpe wrote

Savers in Parkville and the Goodwill at 1763 E Joppa usually have pretty well-stocked mensware sections. Definitely also consider checking out Uptown Cheapskate up York Rd. Plato’s Closet is also is on the way up to Uptown Cheapskate - their menswear section is relatively small and leans casual but I do find some gems in there every once in a while.

Congratulations on the new job, my friend! What a way to start the new year!


UsualFirefighter9 t1_j33jm4v wrote

There's two PTs in Laurel? When I googled, came up with 1 on Washington Blvd - was Amvets a million years ago.

That store, I went down to before Xmas and the men's section was okay. Dunno your size OP but it looked like it was overloaded on small/medium stuff, large was eh, anything over that was a Hail Mary.