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whatsapotato7 t1_j65wz6a wrote

So, MM used to be a line prosecutor. She quit and went to work for an insurance company. Her husband Nick was a city council person, and I guess it was pretty well liked in his district. That gave her name recognition. She ran against the States Attorney who used to be her boss' boss' boss. He was an old white dude named Greg. Greg was pretty good at his job but didn't really connect with Baltimore citizens. MM ran against him and somehow won. She had some companies that people were concerned about. She said essentially that they were inactive. The whole Freddie Gray thing happened on her watch. Whatever your feelings about, she definitely used the national press to get her face on the news and on the cover of some magazines. She botched it pretty seriously. It ruined her relationship with the Baltimore police. She made some other very unpopular decisions like trying Keith Davis over and over. She also made some pretty popular decisions like refusing to prosecute weed possessions, prostitution and some other low level bullshit. Meanwhile, Nick is getting more and more famous and eventually becomes Baltimore City Council president. It comes out that he may not have followed the law when getting campaign donations. He starts a Gofundme to pay for his lawyers. Gets in trouble for that too. MM (on her own or with her husband, who knows) decides right around the time COVID started that she needed a new vacation house. To get the cash for the down-payment, she wants to pull money out of her retirement. Ordinarily you'd have to pay crazy penalties to withdraw before you retire, but a COVID law let you do just that if you signed an affidavit (a document that is under oath) saying you were experiencing financial hardship because of COVID. She made more money during COVID than the year before. The feds said she lied under oath, which is perjury. She got indicted. She claims those inactive companies we mentioned earlier were even less active and that's how she experienced a hardship. Also, her and Nick didn't pay their water bill for like a year and it came out that it was almost 1,000 dollars at one point.
Anyway, she lost the last election to a guy named Ivan. If you watched We Own This City, there's an actor that plays him. He had a role in bringing down GTTF, the subject of the show/novel. He tossed the Keith Davis case and reversed some other MM policies. Before MM leaves office, Nick passes something through city council somehow to thank MM for all her service and say how great she is. It was weird. So, now MM's federal perjury trial approaches. Her lawyers are trying all sorts of crazy things to get the case tossed or moved somewhere else. It's not working. She files a motion saying she's too poor to pay for experts and the judge agrees that the government will pay for them upfront. She has to pay back some of the costs, we dont know how much. One of her lawyers says some dumb shit on the courthouse steps after the judge told him not to and is being charged with criminal contempt. Now the lawyers, all of them, say they can't represent her. The one who is about to be charged with contempt says he'll be too distracted to be effective. The others basically say they were all just supportive people, not there to try the case. MM gets a reprieve and is told she is poor enough to qualify for the representation of the public defenders office. Nick is still city council president.


dickpickdan t1_j66ieae wrote

Only part you forgot is that right after the go fund me, it came out that Nthe Mosbys had a lien for unpaid taxes to the IRS in the sum of some $20-40k. I believe that Nick also withdrew from his retirement, and he and Marilyn file together - she signed the tax return and claimed that she didn’t know about the lien. This is important because when she bought the vacation HOMES (plural) she attested that she had no liens. This was also fraud (or perjury). She also attested that the home would be a primary residence, which was also a lie, because she was trying to rent them out or some shit.


whatsapotato7 t1_j66q6hk wrote

Yes, accurate. It's a true Baltimore soap opera with those two.


TakeCareBeWell t1_j698z3k wrote

Thanks for that additional context. Terrible business, all around. gif


sllewgh t1_j68zif7 wrote

Important correction- Gregg Bernstein was not "pretty good at his job but unable to connect", he was a total piece of shit whose handling of the police murder of Tyrone West directly set the stage for the 2015 uprising in reaction to the murder of Freddie Gray. Mosby's election and her defeat of the incumbent SA needs to be understood in that context. It helps explain the views of her supporters, who see her (right or wrong) as standing up to BPD and those who protect their bad behavior.


TakeCareBeWell t1_j698syp wrote

Thank you for that comprehensive reply. It cleared up my understanding of this murky situation. It saddens me though, because this egregious lack of integrity is most certainly not what I expected to countenance when I voted for them to their respective offices. gif