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moderndukes t1_j46xwyx wrote

I took the Light Rail the other day from Camden to Timonium for a doctor’s appointment. It was honestly fantastic, and Kaiser was super smart putting the new building right next to the Light Rail stop. I wish there was more transit-oriented development with the Light Rail.

The downtown stretch really is the worst part, but I don’t mind it having to deal with red lights - the one in the post picture also has to. I think if Howard St was pedestrianized it would be far better for all parties.

The only other issue is that trains aren’t going nearly often enough. To generate good usage, three things are needed: location, regularity, consistency. Sometimes you can make up for consistency by having more trains, so a delay for one or missing one doesn’t hurt as much. I want to say the Light Rail is every ~20-30 minutes; it really should be every 15 at max.

Also, weekend and night service should be expanded. And maybe officially make the Light Rail free (most people hop on and off without paying anyway!)


gaiusjuliusweezer OP t1_j47azsu wrote

Yeah, people do forget that our light rail’s average speed is very high overall


Cheomesh t1_j47cvpv wrote

>I took the Light Rail the other day from Camden to Timonium

Whenever I'm in town I'm usually taking it the opposite direction and I'm inclined to agree with you on the experience being positive (and on service expansion if that was possible).