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nzahn1 t1_j6kmss9 wrote

I’d highly recommend getting an energy audit through BGE’s Home Performance with Energy Star program.

Getting an energy audit (which is subsidized down to only $100) then qualifies you for rebates on insulation/air-sealing, and even HVAC upgrades. The audit report should give rough estimates on how much the work will cost, how much BGE will pay, and how much energy you’ll save going forward.


ballzdeep499 OP t1_j6kn7im wrote

I plan on it but am curious if anyone has insight. I have part of my ceiling opened up right now for renovations so it would save some trouble to insulate above the ceiling while it’s still open


gothaggis t1_j6n092u wrote

I got an energy audit - they told me they couldn't really tell if the roof was insulated or not, and that I would have to hire someone to drill holes to see.


nzahn1 t1_j6n294o wrote

That is not ideal. Usually they will ask permission to drill, poke around with a probe, or use an infrared camera. Luckily it seems the OP has the ceiling open already.