Submitted by ICanSpellKyrgyzstan t3_10b7f73 in baltimore
goated95 t1_j48m1j7 wrote
. . You can’t walk anywhere without hearing somebody say “diesel.. big dimes!”
MedicalMongoose t1_j48m5dl wrote
You see the sign that says welcome to Baltimore
ActivityMiddle5250 t1_j48m7i5 wrote
Your getting robbed while your windshields being squeegeed.
pookiebgoode t1_j48mj04 wrote
You see a billboard advertisement for paternity testing
Few_Society5388 t1_j48mq9l wrote
People stop 30 feet back from the intersection at a red light 🙄
murthivelli123 t1_j48p3bd wrote
you feel that bump in the road and realize you just crossed the city/county line.
sl8rfan2 t1_j48p5v6 wrote
Does anybody know why people have started doing this recently. It's in DC as well.
Spirited-Arrival-651 t1_j48pf5x wrote
You see chicken bones and hair weaves in the street
wer410 t1_j48pkz7 wrote
So you can pull forward if someone tries to carjack you
guest0112 t1_j48pl0s wrote
They’re referencing squeegee kids (I think). You stop short then slowly idle forwards if someone walks towards you
sl8rfan2 t1_j48pyhr wrote
oh, for real?
sl8rfan2 t1_j48q29l wrote
That makes sense in Balt. But why are they doing it in DC? I have seen exactly one squeegee person in DC.
[deleted] t1_j48q8ng wrote
wer410 t1_j48r6zs wrote
Gotta drive defensively!
Few_Society5388 t1_j48rixf wrote
I was making a joke about people being terrified of squeegee kids. Don’t have an answer for you re: D.C. but I’ve noticed since the pandemic everyone’s constantly driving like it’s their first day on the road.
sl8rfan2 t1_j48rsg0 wrote
Ain't that the truth.
sl8rfan2 t1_j48rxa5 wrote
makes sense to me now.
In_This_To_Win_This t1_j48sbb7 wrote
Add crab legs to that too
lambchopsandkreplach t1_j48u6j5 wrote
A stopped driver at a red light opens their door and spits a big lugie into the street.
HumanGyroscope t1_j48v9p1 wrote
You see the incinerator!
leontigreoso t1_j4910ey wrote
can confirm. happened this morning on pratt.
leontigreoso t1_j4911ei wrote
Bravesfan043 t1_j493zoy wrote
The corner dive bar has a grandmotherly regular who goes by Ms and her first name.
acurrell t1_j4940kr wrote
Someone on the street wants you to let them ask you a question.
KnotStoopid t1_j494odp wrote
When you lube your engine with mow-der-oool
DemonDeke t1_j4952ep wrote
It is people not originally from the area who have been told to not get too close to the car in front of them so that they can get away if someone tries ro rob them.
sl8rfan2 t1_j49589s wrote
Sounds plausible. Thanks!
GingerMan027 t1_j4989x5 wrote
You cut the grass with your paramour.
CGF3 t1_j498jeg wrote
The light turns green, and THEN the car in front of you turns on its left turn signal.
6flightsup t1_j498wk7 wrote
I wake up on most mornings. I love charm city!
SnooHedgehogs6553 t1_j499ect wrote
Samrulesan t1_j49aso2 wrote
… gimme your wallet
okayfool t1_j49b3if wrote
Your neighbors decorate the tree pit in front of their house with discarded oyster shells.
XXXthrowaway215XXX t1_j49bg8o wrote
red lights are merely a suggestion
Smallmeadow83 t1_j49bx69 wrote
Or doesn’t.
Ok_Confusion_2461 t1_j49clp9 wrote
You get robbed
imdavej t1_j49d8hb wrote
Squeegee boy
Corydoran t1_j49dolq wrote
and a pedestrian off to the side chooses that time to cross the road.
MikeyFED t1_j49ivxa wrote
You do scramble heroin
DfcukinLite t1_j49jagu wrote
They have them in Dundalk
i_eat_bandanas t1_j49k50b wrote
Sometimes I do this just cause I hate the sound of my own blinker
OneDishwasher t1_j49k8yn wrote
I saw some chicken wing bones on the street in Atlanta, and I got homesick
daveinmd13 t1_j49l9dp wrote
Someone calls you Hon.
writemcsean t1_j49m4gu wrote
It’s humid and gloomy AF and you are afraid of the kids across the street, the Stoner approaching the red light, and can’t quite figure out what that smell is.
CGF3 t1_j49ma81 wrote
Well, it's really annoying for the people behind you who COULD have changed lanes to the right had they known you'd be turning. Suck it up and suffer through the sound of your blinker!!!
NinjaSea t1_j49syqu wrote
Can confirm
NinjaSea t1_j49t4az wrote
Where is this?
NinjaSea t1_j49tfz2 wrote
You make sure the car doors are locked before fully stopping at the red light (if stopping at all)
ICanSpellKyrgyzstan OP t1_j49urva wrote
Can I get an amen?
ICanSpellKyrgyzstan OP t1_j49xkez wrote
I always keep my doors locked. Never know who’s gonna try and carjack you nowadays LMAO
reconbex66 t1_j4a0j6d wrote
You do all yer warsh in cold wooder
codyvir t1_j4a4ybh wrote
Or don't stop at all.
codyvir t1_j4a55zk wrote
Eh, where I live the road actually gets worse when you cross into the county from the City.... And it ain't great on the City side.
codyvir t1_j4a5a1v wrote
*aks you a question
[deleted] t1_j4abg5k wrote
TCATokyo t1_j4asky6 wrote
speed cameras… everywhere
sxswnxnw t1_j4at216 wrote
When you are walking your dog and just find some random crab legs on the street. Happened all the time in Downtown and Mount Vernon when I lived over there.
markmano33 t1_j4b2ewr wrote
Hey hey do you know what time it is?
Timid_Teacher t1_j4b4lj6 wrote
Or throws a bag full of fast food out the window without a second thought.
S-Kunst t1_j4b5r3g wrote
Pedestrians, from Baltimore, have a 6th sense about crossing the street just in time for the light to turn green and hold up traffic.
Extension_Aside9034 t1_j4b6fnr wrote
hol your ink pen
Extension_Aside9034 t1_j4b6mbn wrote
What is this?
MikeyFED t1_j4b7jfc wrote
I know I’m getting downvoted but it’s true.
Scramble is heroin mixed with quinine and whatever else they muster up in gel capsules. 95 percent of what’s sold in Baltimore corners is scramble. ( of course now days it’s mostly fentanyl )
Its literally the steamed crabs covered in old bay of drugs but almost even more localized to city limits.
Extension_Aside9034 t1_j4b84yn wrote
Sweet Jezuz---I don't know what I don't know and that is ok!!
Sorry that you are getting dv'ed...
CrabEnthusist t1_j4bb4uo wrote
They have them in many cities
HumanGyroscope t1_j4bfy2w wrote
Its adjacent to IS-95 SB between the Russel St and IS-395 exits.
[deleted] t1_j4bpspd wrote
Nottacod t1_j4btjic wrote
Everyone calls you "hon"
pandacorn t1_j4bu3gu wrote
You kinda like it?
Pinkpajamamama t1_j4bw6eo wrote
You play the fireworks or gunshots game
Pinkpajamamama t1_j4bwbzn wrote
Man, I love that place.
meeroth t1_j4bxt0z wrote
“This is your signal”
Gr8WallofChinatown t1_j4c1o7g wrote
A zombie infront of all the medical buildings
cookthatblueflame t1_j4c22wa wrote
moderndukes t1_j4d3fjg wrote
You order fries and they by default have Old Bay on them
lemonadewasabi t1_j4d3izb wrote
You get a heart on your windshield
sonnyspoon8 t1_j4e87gs wrote
The Baltimore City Police approaches you in the city and asks you," Just give us the drugs and any cash you have,and we will act like this encounter never took place"!!
Moiler62 t1_j4e8coz wrote
I definitely do that all the time and I’m from there
Dr_Midnight t1_j4ex47y wrote
But not in the crosswalk.
MeowsAllieCat t1_j4g3woo wrote
Do people really just go out & drive around with unlocked doors? I lock mine as soon as the door closes, no matter where I am. It's a good habit. And if for some reason I forget, the car locks them once I hit 10 mph.
amberthemaker t1_j4jd26k wrote
My Uncle worked at Resco for a long time in the 90’s-early 2000’s. He used to bring stuff home that they were going to burn. Once in the mid 90’s, he brought a bunch of makeup/brushes/nail polish from a brand called Jane that was popular at the time. My family would then sell the stuff at yardsales. What a time to be alive.
gabelogannewell2 t1_j4l17fa wrote
most modern cars auto lock the doors when you put it in drive
megalomike t1_j4l3971 wrote
it's bad but also weird.
MeowsAllieCat t1_j4l6fpw wrote
Mine is 10 years old, lol.
ICanSpellKyrgyzstan OP t1_j4lcz6l wrote
I’d argue that it’s bad but also weird and strange but in a really good way.
darin_gleada t1_j4v6w8v wrote
You see a guy that is leaning so far over he’s going to fall but he never falls.
Btyoda1 t1_j516sbe wrote
Your windshield is spotless
Ok-Library247 t1_j48l1ab wrote