Submitted by atayajohn t3_10h1qst in baltimore

Hey all,

Since Hoehn’s closed I’ve been having a hard time finding a new bakery to go to. I’ve been going to common ground in hampden but I think my toddler is starting to get tired of the cupcakes.

Any suggestions? We live in DTBmore area, won’t mind a drive for good baked goods and maybe a playground for the hyperactive crotch goblin.




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federal_thrill t1_j55wl61 wrote

Maillard Pastries in Hampden always looks amazing, but haven't had a chance to go yet.

Simon's Bakery in Cockeysville would be a bit of a hike, but they have great stuff. My kids love the donuts there. Plenty of playgrounds in the area, though none walking distance.


Otto_Von_Bisquick t1_j55x1hi wrote

Tous Les Jours

Cafe Dear Leon

Ovenbird Bakery

Corner Pantry

Diablo Donuts (Just moved)


YourM0mNeverWould t1_j55y94o wrote

Maillard is good but pekara on cold spring is outrageous (in the delicious way). It’s the owner of the former Roggenart from falls rd/MtW

I’d grab something there and there is a little park just east on cold spring for the goblin, or come to hampden and take your pick of a few parks.

ETA: dulceology in fed hill has cronuts (order ahead) and alfajores, as well as a bunch of other delights.


lawl5127 t1_j560rkj wrote

Bramble in Hamilton Lauraville is my go-to.


PigtownDesign t1_j5695n6 wrote

Pekara Bakery on Cold Spring has nice European baked goods. Delicious puff pastry, pesto and procsuitto ham puff. And the playground at Cold Spring and Linkwood is close by.


Complete-Ad9574 t1_j57jhzz wrote

Woodela on Bel Air Rd is open Sundays. I think it has a greater variety than Hoehn's (which I always found my way to stop when in that area)


your_lost_chapstick t1_j582lsw wrote

Make a trip up to Mt. Washington and stop at Bonjour French Bakery on Falls Road, then go across the street to Lake Roland. There is always parking at the light rail station and it is a pleasant (short) walk down the boardwalk into the park. There is a very well maintained playground at the top of the hill. My nephews love it and always make a few new friends. We like to end the afternoon with lunch at Pepe's and a trip to The Ivy Bookshop since they have a nice section of books for kids.


Yellohsub t1_j589xdn wrote

Cafe Dear Leon in Canton but be prepared that there may be a line.


why_grapefruit_why t1_j58fd60 wrote

I’m at Ovenbird in Little Italy every Sunday morning. I absolutely love it.


tennajane t1_j58gh5i wrote

Bramble is outstanding and they rotate their flavors every week - there’s always something new to try. A lovely little area to sit inside as well.

Ovenbird is super super yummy!! No indoor seating.

Bonjour is lovely, the quiche is delicious and Lake Roland is right next door. I sometimes get a Bonjour and take it to the lake to eat by the water. I think there’s a good playground there!

Maillard is good, but Bramble is better.

Cafe Dear Leon is outstanding, no indoor seating, but it’s right on the square in Canton.

Cunningham’s in Towson is fantastic, but you have to get there early for the baked goods. They have a nice seating area and there’s a nice playground on Highland Ave, a few minutes drive away. They have a full breakfast menu as well, if you’re in the mood for that.


elcad t1_j59vh9p wrote

We're running out of German bakeries. Sad to hear Hoehn's is closing.

My favorite since my local one closed is Fenwick on Harford Rd. Call a day in advance if you want the cylinder shaped bread. Edit: Not open Sunday

Herman's in Dundalk is OK and open Sunday. Also the bakery at the Amish Market at North Point Flea Market is awesome but not open on Sunday.