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dopkick t1_j41ts23 wrote

You do realize that not that long ago much of the now "good housing" was often "shit housing," right? Also, without those much maligned flippers there wouldn't be "good housing." There would still be "shit housing" that nobody wants to live in.


Expendable_Red_Shirt t1_j41upx2 wrote

And that shit housing was purchased at an inflated rate…. There are also issues with supply that effect prices right now. I’m speaking more generally.


dopkick t1_j41veg3 wrote

Do you think there is some sort of mass conspiracy to buy gut job homes at an inflated rate and sit on them for decades or something like that? Seems like the homes are purchased on the open market, often at auction, and quickly rehabbed and put back on the market. There's no shortage of newly renovated homes available.