Submitted by Ok_Ad8609 t3_11ur7mk
Submitted by PtolemyShadow t3_11z17mn
Submitted by kmilvin t3_10effzk
Submitted by WalshTrivia t3_10jwl1o
Submitted by nationdecay t3_10lubn9
Submitted by The_Waxies_Dargle t3_10q2i59
Submitted by EPIC_FAIL_73 t3_zf0jgl
Submitted by LiteratureInternal76 t3_yhufde
Submitted by mushinnoshin t3_11t9io2
DON'T PARK IN BIKE LANES Due to the increased 311 reports in the area, we are increasing Maryland Ave between 22nd & Falls Road.
Submitted by BmoreCityDOT t3_11zp4in
DON'T PARK IN BIKE LANES Due to the increased 311 reports in the area, we are increasing E Monument St between N Broadway & N Washington.
Submitted by BmoreCityDOT t3_11xoc9y
Submitted by trashcadet t3_10nvd8c
Submitted by Different-Kick-426 t3_10lpuks
Submitted by 1stTimeLandlord t3_10ognci
Submitted by [deleted] t3_xysetd
Submitted by bookoocash t3_y9qqpp
Submitted by Disastrous_Food_6973 t3_1244r7e
We added a new (custom-made!) sign to Westbound Druid Park Lake Dr at Park Circle to ensure the left turn lane is clear.
Submitted by BmoreCityDOT t3_1250nf6
Submitted by TheBaltimoron t3_11kneac
Submitted by locker1313 t3_118yllc
Submitted by moedog45 t3_10ut38i