Submitted by Das1tMane t3_zv6w07
Submitted by Gullil t3_zrq4y3
Submitted by OrganicBS t3_yh4h1x
Submitted by ScootyHoofdorp t3_10pbz4v
Submitted by walmartteacups t3_zr79yr
Submitted by Baltimore_Bill t3_zfgsni
Submitted by wcmotel t3_yfpv8u
Submitted by caro822 t3_ygn1eh
Submitted by JHBaltimore t3_11awb4a
Submitted by taco_perfecto t3_10vekj5
Submitted by nationdecay t3_117dg1t
Submitted by Pretend-Smoke-8942 t3_10nq9py
Submitted by ChemicalElevator1380 t3_zsoxwn
Submitted by stigochris t3_1186ded
We plan to permanently close the alley between N Bond St & N Broadway, as it is too narrow for vehicle traffic. If you oppose the closure, you must inform our office by calling 443-984-2150 or emailing within 7 days.
Submitted by BmoreCityDOT t3_10pesoi
Submitted by aycee t3_10iv6ni
Submitted by aresef t3_yvwvb3
Submitted by platypusbear8 t3_11msxuw
Submitted by GovernorOfReddit t3_1132lpk
Submitted by FriedScrapple t3_ygny93