Submitted by adb1146 t3_zidcwy
Submitted by whatugonnadowhenthey t3_109bicj
Submitted by NewrytStarcommander t3_xzztni
On March 28, 1984, Bob Irsay (1923-1997), owner of the once-mighty Baltimore Colts, moves the team to Indianapolis. Without any sort of public announcement, Irsay hired movers to pack up the team's offices in Owings Mills, Maryland, in the middle of the night, while the city of Baltimore slept.
Submitted by DfcukinLite t3_1266gy4
Submitted by real_human__bean t3_115e0q7
Submitted by bearjew64 t3_yancxu
Submitted by Brief_Exit1798 t3_zp15tu
Submitted by buckeyebaby t3_za4ea2
Submitted by meeroth t3_11hznj0
Submitted by baltimoron3231 t3_11eb9lt
Submitted by ICanSpellKyrgyzstan t3_10b7f73
Submitted by LAStreetNames t3_y2e39n
Submitted by wcmotel t3_xy1asd
Submitted by YoYoMoMa t3_zsq0go
Submitted by FindAndDine t3_10gecln
Submitted by TylerFL t3_ye604d
Opinions on Niche's Baltimore Neighborhood ratings? Any neighborhoods you strongly disagree with the ratings on?
Submitted by AyyScare t3_10uqpla
Submitted by LemurBusiness t3_122l4be
Submitted by [deleted] t3_zeh4gf
Submitted by scromw2 t3_11ayd6p
Submitted by Kaffikup t3_10lbewj
Submitted by llamalobster t3_116a53l
Submitted by Somali_Pir8 t3_10rbp4d