Submitted by [deleted] t3_1233f9q
Submitted by kitoriley23 t3_11szknx
Submitted by Not_Really_Famous t3_124xv1m
Submitted by [deleted] t3_11ql7o9
Submitted by instantcoffee69 t3_11qavgj
Submitted by Beckam4434 t3_11qaudr
Submitted by locker1313 t3_124nl0b
Submitted by solidape22 t3_11w0b0r
Submitted by RiskEcstatic8264 t3_11pvr4c
Submitted by lovesocialmedia t3_124v8ub
Submitted by baltimore-mods t3_124wavf
Submitted by [deleted] t3_11ppdvp
Submitted by elephantsandrainbows t3_11pokwr
Submitted by Accurate-Lecture7473 t3_11uxohz
Submitted by ravensgirl2785 t3_126mjo7
Submitted by [deleted] t3_11t5emu
Submitted by GullibleClerk3070 t3_11u46e2
Submitted by Y2ff t3_1212km3
On March 28, 1984, Bob Irsay (1923-1997), owner of the once-mighty Baltimore Colts, moves the team to Indianapolis. Without any sort of public announcement, Irsay hired movers to pack up the team's offices in Owings Mills, Maryland, in the middle of the night, while the city of Baltimore slept.
Submitted by DfcukinLite t3_1266gy4