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AdmiralAkbar1 t1_j9e7z8v wrote

Serious answer: none. While there are valid debates as to when it's proper to introduce such books in a pedagogical context, I don't think that there's such thing as a book so heinous that the general adult public should be outright banned from accessing it.

Meme answer: The Grapes of Wrath. The cast was so unlikable that I found myself silently hoping the strikebreakers would crack everyone else's skulls at the end and bring the story to a mercifully swift end. I refuse to let future generations of high schoolers suffer as I have suffered.


Mr_Metrazol t1_j9f92bk wrote

I once attempted to read Twilight during it's heyday. Halfway through the first book I found myself hoping against hope that a gang of vampire hunters would arrive with wooden stakes and a revolver loaded with silver bullets and put an end to the cast.

Not only did I fail to finish the book I quite literally abandoned it to fate. I just got up from the table and left it sitting in the student lounge as a 'gift' to whatever masochist wanted to punish themselves with it.