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[deleted] OP t1_j9slndj wrote

Fair! I'm not gonna lie, I did exclude books that I personally have some issues with. So, it would make sense that others feel the same way about some on my list. A lot of these books were referenced multiple times on various sites, so surely, they mean something to someone

I'll keep the Alchemist, unless a convincing argument can be made otherwise


earlyriser79 t1_j9sn2az wrote

I think the argument is that it's not "literature", it's more like a fable in the self-help section. I enjoyed it when I was young, but it's not at the same level of the other classics. And it's pretty short, so it doesn't feel like a good dive in a world.


unqualified101 t1_j9t52pq wrote

Keep the Alchemist and judge for yourself. Good luck with 100 books!!