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prozacnzoloft OP t1_ja2vp8z wrote

Reply to comment by GhostCrows in Teach me how to read by prozacnzoloft

Any good ereaders you have in mind to recommend?


GhostCrows t1_ja2yg8a wrote

I have a Kobo Clara HD - which when my last one died (I dropped it many times) I got another one. I personally like it for all the customization you can do with it, but it's great un-modded as well.


GhostCrows t1_ja2yoai wrote

Also wanted to add - make time for reading! Ten minutes before bed, right when you wake up. I read a lot when I'm making dinner, like when it's just cooking and you are only there to stir... and right before bed. Then when a book really has my attention that's when you'll find me just reading as I'm walking about the house.