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Comfortable_Mango_11 t1_ja91cmx wrote

It's obviously a pretty juicy setting for conflict - lots of angry males cooped up together, lots of grudges, alliances, schemes and potential for violence. Basically like boarding school, only with better food!


mytrickytrick t1_ja91xep wrote

I have no problem with prison movies or books. The rock (movie) and Shawshank (novella plus movie) are two great examples in totally different ways, and both have prisons are their main settings.


INITMalcanis t1_ja91y5w wrote

I strongly recommend that you read Glasshouse by Charles Stross.


CrazyCatLady108 t1_ja91z60 wrote

Hi! Your post is more appropriate for a writing sub. Check out /r/writing, please check their rules before posting. Good luck!


CrazyCatLady108 t1_ja92ht5 wrote

We do not allow authors to poll readers about their story/trope ideas.

>Surveys and market research are not allowed in /r/books because they usually do not abide by Rule 1. Market research includes, but is not limited to, asking for feedback on your (potential) project/idea or asking how many people would be interested in your potential website/project/book/etc.