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earthgoddessK t1_jdtyegt wrote

People complain that it doesn’t have enough depth but I felt that it was one of those books that carried a great deal of underlying philosophical and spiritual content.

Ironically, I purchased it at the airport in Rio de Janeiro during an 11 hour layover, when I was returning home to live in the US after spending 6.5 years living abroad.

To me, the concept of the character coming full circle at the end, with the underpinnings of the experiences and lessons he had learned along the way, was very powerful.

While some people find the book boring, I came away with a sense that there is richness and profound meaning in this life that a great deal of people overlook.

I suppose some are looking for clever entertainment, and not a contemplative narrative. I found it odd that others would dog it in this subreddit, but it is a book I have gifted to more than one person since I read it.


MaybeSecondBestMan t1_jdvokhj wrote

> Ironically, I purchased it at the airport in Rio de Janeiro during an 11 hour layover, when I was returning home to live in the US after spending 6.5 years living abroad.

Damn, this book must have hit hard for you. Sometimes you just find the right thing at the right time. That’s awesome.


ReturnOfSeq t1_jdv9snu wrote

This book doesn’t have depth or hidden meaning. Depth-wise, this is the book equivalent of someone jumping into an empty pool
