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t1_jd36rqv wrote

I don’t understand the backlash the Silmarillion is an objectively tedious read


t1_jd38y3s wrote

I mean, it's not "objectively" tedious, it's tedious to you so that's subjective.


t1_jd3mcc8 wrote

When reading it is comparable to reading a textbook it’s really not that grand of a claim to say it’s objectively tedious


t1_jd4gony wrote

Thanks for engaging, thought you were trolling.

You're in a Tolkien fan group. Of course people are going to disagree with you. I did find the Sil difficult, but didn't find it tedious - I found it heartbreaking, but (spoiler alert!) that's the fate of Arda marred.


t1_jd5xse5 wrote

I give props to everyone who can enjoy it, I read part of it for a class and it’s not for me


t1_jd72qyq wrote

Fair play. But a word to the wise. If you're in a place of worship, don't start telling everyone that their Holy Book is unreadable garbage - even if to you it is. You'll find you'll get some backlash. :o)

Edit: wrong sub! 😂