Submitted by poporola t3_11uk17r in books

I know this is probably one of the easiest-to-read best-selling books out there, and I think people I know either really love this book, or it's a strong meh for them. What do you guys think about it? Why do you like or dislike this book? What did you feel about the story, characters, settings, and moral of the story in general? What did you learn from the book?

As a spiritual person, I feel like everything written in this book resonates with my personal motto. I do wish that that this book could have been a little more complex to add more flavors in the story. Nevertheless, I feel like the author wrote the book in a simple language and plot to emphasize the simple moral of following one's journey to the personal legend without unnecessary complication.



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mildmacaroon241 t1_jcoi2gw wrote

Sometimes I wish i could see this book from the peoples point of view who like and enjoy it, because I dont get why its so raved about by people, i will agree its easy to read.

But wasnt for me, i found it very childish in its story telling, feels as deep as a puddle, i went into it after seeing it on some of the best book lists, but just found it meh

If you enjoy it cool, but wasnt for me, i do advise people read it because its definitely a book that alot of people enjoy so they might aswell.


InvisibleSpaceVamp t1_jcok1pq wrote

The only positive things I have to say about this book is that I got it for free and it was a very quick read.

I hate everything else about this book. Yes, it is selling a very simple "moral". It's so simple in fact that you could condense it down to one of these stickers people put on walls. Like "Live, laugh, love" or "Carpe diem".


BibliophageOnCoffee t1_jcoq1i7 wrote

It’s the type of book that’s a good starting point for people who don’t read a lot.


Pipe-International t1_jcous2w wrote

I read it as an adult so I thought it was highly overrated and basic. To be honest I thought it was actually meant for middle graders. Like I think it would work really well as an introduction to literary fiction for 12 year olds.


thebeautifullynormal t1_jcouzba wrote

I get why people don't like it but here are my take aways.

1.) It subverts the heros journey.

2.) The character has to stay in places for long amounts of time to work to move to the next point and that things were not given or explained to him

3.) Even though overall the message is "the real journey are the freinds you meet along the way" he still gets what he was promised and at least he actually went back to the tribe instead of staying back in Spain.

Overall I do think this was meant to be a YA novella and a literary fiction starter book just because there is not a ton of tropes overall.

As far as the writing structure it reads a lot like an epic though it clearly isn't.


TerrickJohnson t1_jcox6r5 wrote

Not a fan. I didn’t see what others saw in this book.


[deleted] t1_jcp01k5 wrote

Strong meh for me. Don’t get the adulation it gets.


Keffpie t1_jcp3qfc wrote

It's as deep as a fortune-cookie and about as well written. I have a deep loathing for it, not because it is simple, but because it pretends to be profound. Millions love it, but millions also have "Carpe Diem" signs on their walls at home and thinks that makes them special.


Bernhard-Baker t1_jcp87u0 wrote

Read Herman Hesse’s Sidhartha. Much better version of what Alchemist was trying to be.


Ealinguser t1_jcp9vqm wrote

Quite an achievement to be both pretentious and twee in one short story.


alterego879 t1_jcpbjc8 wrote

Ugh. That book is to eastern philosophy as The Alchemist is to young middle class white girls’ world view.

It’s an alright book if you’ve never read any Buddhist texts. But basically it’s inert and vapid. A good starting off point, I suppose.

Edit: that came off with a lot more heat than I intended. I didn’t mean any offense, just that I found it to be largely in the same category as The Alchemist. If it helps anyone, then it will have done its job.


rawterror t1_jcpdvdo wrote

Didn't like it, can't remember why.


wayps t1_jcphh4w wrote

I recently read it, and I liked it. Didn't love it, probably won't read it again, but definitely better than most books I've read recently. Granted, I was looking for something quick and simple after just finishing Crime and Punishment, so that may be a factor.

I will say I found the book extremely predictable. The foreshadowing in this book is not subtle. I know most people take away the "Personal Legend", but that just didn't really resonate with me. Why I liked the book was learning the Language of the World, that connected with me.


mom_with_an_attitude t1_jcphhfd wrote

A lot of people hate it. I liked it. For the grumps on this thread, I do not have any "Live, laugh, love" signs in my house. And I am not a beginning reader. I have been reading all my life and often read classics.

Is The Alchemist my favorite book? No, but I enjoyed it. It has a whimsical, magical flavor to it that I enjoyed. And I like the way the story comes full circle in the end.


daniela_log t1_jcpijyl wrote

I'ts cool for pre-teens who like RPG and soft witchcraft.


chocolate_zz t1_jcpqxfm wrote

I learned that just because a book is on one of those 100 Books To Read Before You Die it's not always going to be a good book with depth and impact. Sometimes it's just going to be a book written to sell well and have a shallow meaning easily grasped by a lot of people.


Practical-Low-4154 t1_jcpt3el wrote

The first time I ever read it I was so mad. The second time I read it I realized it was just a live lesson.


rpnewc t1_jcqa36x wrote

I am really surprised by a lot of comments that say the book is not impressive. I am not impressed either. I think it's really overrated. I wonder how it became such a "masterpiece" then?


Haylerie t1_jcqcxm1 wrote

Paulo Coelho is from Brazil and the book was originally written in Portuguese. It was a simple allegory, published locally, and did not do well. Several years later an English-speaking person visiting Brazil, offered to purchase the rights to the book and translate it into English. He also made suggestions to make the story longer. Gradually the book became famous all over the world.

Even though it is a very simple book, I like The Alchemist because the character works toward his goal and does not give up. Modern-day books with similar themes, such as The Secret by Rhonda Byrne seem to suggest you just have to want your goal bad enough and it will come to you without having to work for it.


talentless_writer t1_jcqe1o0 wrote

I think it's fine for what it is (a feel-good story full of inspirational quotes), but if you're looking for a serious and intelligent story, you'll probably be disappointed.


rpdonahue93 t1_jcqs68v wrote

It's fine, don't think it's mind blowing but don't think it's the worst piece of shit ever like some people think.

I don't understand why it's so polarizing lol


lapsangsouchogn t1_jcr9szs wrote

It was just ok Didn't see what all the hype was about.

I'm sure there's some BigLit editor who thinks the masses just aren't smart enough to get it, but s/he can go fuck themselves.


rrradium23 t1_jcraiul wrote

I like it and I read a fair amount. It’s a short easy read that reminds me of Siddhartha in many ways. If anything it’s a Buddhist book and presents its philosophy as the simplest of all.


Prothean_Beacon t1_jcrcovh wrote

The book isn't that long but it's honestly one of the most repetitive books Ive ever read. Specifically the part where the main character goes into the desert with the alchemist. Like I get it you gotta follow your personal destiny.


lord-southpaw t1_jcrphlh wrote

Quick read and made me feel good when I was younger, gave an ounce of hope. Now I think it's meh whateva, but appreciate that long lost positive jolt.


yeswereonredditluann t1_jcrsqza wrote

I worked for someone who would bring it up at every meeting so I read it and thought “meh.” Turns out he was a sociopath.


gustasilvab t1_jctmncp wrote

As a Brazilian, it's always funny how this book, seen here as a complete joke, is an international success.


professorphil t1_jd18xic wrote

I actually liked it a fair bit. It was a really quick, fairly simple read. It talked about a lot of esoterica, but in fairly approachable terms. It was a pretty normal hero's journey but the tools which the hero acquired were weird bits of philosophy and simple life skills.

I liked its take on magic (Alchemy) as a very spiritual, philosophical thing, which isn't something I see developed enough in fantasy.