meags_13 t1_jcdm11e wrote
Didn’t realize they were the same author! I have Circe and I’m planning to read it soon- I’ll have to get SoA!!
Ssnnooz OP t1_jcdnq5l wrote
It's amazing, especially if you are LGBT.
I've heard that it can be uninteresting to people not involved in the community, but i absolutely loved it.
John_Browns_Body t1_jce8xf9 wrote
I’m a straight man and I thought it was a great book.
stupid-adcarry t1_jceb0ht wrote
Same some of those lines ! They are just so memorable. SoA is just a good book and a great romance, it doesn't matter what your gender is to appreciate it.
Ssnnooz OP t1_jceatvd wrote
oh yeah for sure, im a straight man too. Not saying only gay people can enjoy it, but i think that some people have a hard time relating to patroclus and his story
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