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McHenry t1_jdapr8j wrote

How do they quote the note without calling out the lies? "They allow and encourage children to read sexual content such as the book “this book is gay”, a book which contains graphic sexual content [ editors note: it doesn't include sexual content] and encourages children to use hook up apps [editors note: it doesn't encourage children to use hook up apps]. This book is not even designed for teenagers but kids..."

Otherwise it reads like the claims are truthful. Especially since they don't note the lie later in the article either.


Bind_Moggled t1_jdcu30u wrote

Either poor journalism - or intentional spin. I wonder which it might be?


D3V1LS_L3TTUC3 t1_jdda7e3 wrote

Isn’t like all of American media owned by a handful of rich white men who literally want to watch the world burn


Bind_Moggled t1_jdijklq wrote

Correct. I think that gives us a big clue to the whole "poor journalism / intentional spin" question.