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SeaAnything8 t1_je8ki63 wrote

Oh boy. I create TBR’s based on mood and season. It’s an organized mess. My physical TBR on my bookshelf is just a ~4 book lineup of what I plan to read next. I often ignore it and chose a totally different book from another shelf.

My digital TBR on Libby is organized into separate “season” tags. What season a book goes into is less about the actual setting of the book and more on the general vibe I get from the synopsis. Here are my descriptions of each season:

  • Summer: parched surrealism, desert punk, windows open, sun going down.
  • Spring: vernal, floral, light & airy, blooming reads
  • Autumn: spooky, moody, earthy reads
  • Winter: harsh, silent, hibernating, drifts.

I also have a generic TBR tag of books that don’t fit into the seasonal tags. Whenever I’m in a reading slump I just browse the current season. I also read about 3 books at a time: a non-fiction, a fun carefree fiction, and a more serious fiction. Currently that’s Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake (non-fiction), The Sun and it’s Shade by Piper CJ (fun fantasy), and The End of October by Lawrence Wright (a fictional pandemic novel).