Educational-Ad-4352 t1_jclxaab wrote
To become a good reader, set realistic goals and read consistently. Explore different genres and authors to find books that interest you. When you find a good book you will devour it!:)
Emergency_nap_needed t1_jcly4pj wrote
I never set page goals unless I am not enjoying the book but need to read it for work or study. I used to read a novel in about 3 days before I had a stroke. Now it is a week or more if I can get time. Find a book you enjoy and let it take you outside of your life and into the new world. Discworld did it for me, but so does Stephen King. Don't worry about 'worthy' books. I have a degree, work in a library, but will read a classic or something mainstream and love both.
shrike_347 t1_jclycrw wrote
Read something that interests you. Then you won't have much trouble finishing it.
PardueHanks t1_jclyzo8 wrote
It took me one incredible book to be able to read and finish books. I used to be a lot like you in that I read books, but didn’t finish them. Find a good book you resonate with, read more by that author and you won’t have to worry and the mechanics of reading. That’s my advice.
Also, I would say sometimes when I am in a reading rut, I read trash books (cheesy autobiography, sports book, etc) to get me going.
CrazyCatLady108 t1_jclztqs wrote
Hi there. This subject has been very popular in the past. Please use reddit search and/or check the /r/books/wiki/faq.
imranhaider21 t1_jcm4yuo wrote
Okay thanks for the advice.
imranhaider21 t1_jcm51vi wrote
Okay thanks
imranhaider21 t1_jcm59md wrote
Okay thanks, how do you retain all the information in the book you read?
imranhaider21 t1_jcm5cmt wrote
Okay thanks
thebeautifullynormal t1_jcm5tkn wrote
If it's a fiction book then I'll make a list of themes on a sheet of paper I use as a bookmark. I don't like marking up my books because then I start to think everything is important and kind of kills the flow of the book.
imranhaider21 t1_jcm679a wrote
Agree it kills the flow to make notes while reading.
thebeautifullynormal t1_jclw1fs wrote
So don't worry about a page amount at first as some books require more time per page then others.
I started by reading for 15 minutes a day and if I wanted to continue I would.
As far as books you should be reading. Read books that you enjoy. When I was younger I blew through James Patterson books. Which led to me reading Robert Ludlum and Tom Clancy. Now I'm reading classics like Dostoyevsky and contemporary works by Murakami and ishiguro