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janellthegreat t1_jdhp8gz wrote

I have a student who, putting it mildly, was a reluctant reader. I started asking if he might be dyslexic from kinder- and I kept being told, "no, I am trained in reading intervention, he is with age-typical ranges." It is not until he was at threat of failing the state test did they screen him. Yup, mildly dyslexic. One year of intensive intervention with a fantastic educator, and now I can't get books out of that kids hands. Some of his favorite to read are processional references for computer programmers. I doubt he has full reading comprehension, but loves it. And that is all I care about. Does he love what he is reading? Great, read.

And then we ignore the homework that says, "after your 20 min at home read time, write about how the setting influences the story."