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Sunshinedxo t1_jdnvs9n wrote

There is a book about a couple where the wife goes missing and the wife realizes that she is not the same as before she left. It is called 'Our Wives Under the Sea'


dumbass099 OP t1_jdnzj2e wrote

thank you, this book sounds really interesting, will look into it, found the book i was looking for as well!


thats-embjornassing t1_jdnxlv6 wrote

I don't think that this is the book, but When She Returned by Lucinda Berry has a similar plot to the novel that you're looking for.


dumbass099 OP t1_jdnzleu wrote

thank you so much for your help, I also found the book I was looking for!


books-ModTeam t1_jdo3yj6 wrote

Hi there. Per rule 3.4, your post is better suited for asking in /r/WhatsThatBook or /r/tipofmytongue. Thank you!