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SnooEpiphanies1747 t1_jcm73b2 wrote

When I was on a thriller kick a few months back, I would just burn through an author's whole stock if I liked them (good way to find lazy writing between books). I read a few of hers, and they all just ended up being like "oh, okay ... sure" and always tied up with a nice bow or a quippy one-liner that was just too on the nose, not real life.

I never read The Inmate, though. While I did like a few of hers that turned out okay and or weren't super predictable, every time The Inmate appeared as an option, something about the description made me think I wasn't going to like it or it was going to be too unbelievable (which it sounds like it was!).


ry3n5297 t1_jcm83kn wrote

Okay, I'ma dodge her books then but yeah very unbelievable stuff with the nice bow one-liner you were talking about