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robotgunk t1_je833h6 wrote

When I worked in library, the only people pushing sex into children's hands were zealots. They actively reshelved inappropriate items in the children's section so they'd be found and create an uproar. We knew who they were and would just go around behind them and remove the items. Can you imagine the thought process? Truly thinking you were doing good work?


hunnibear_girl t1_je9i5ib wrote

I’m honestly think the whole anti trans agenda in libraries is just a made up excuse to defund them so people (especially older people who tend to frequent libraries) won’t blow a gasket as they all begin to close. The government, rather than just saying, “most people are moving to digital”, feel they need an excuse, which is so much worse than just leveling with folks.


Amphy64 t1_jea5ng4 wrote

Could be, especially with older voters a key demographic of supporters. But then pointing out that digital is frequently an effective replacement might let said older voters in on the fact that the kids can look up all the inclusive sex education material they want online (and that just for starters), and then there'd be more of a push for internet regulation too.


quietdisaster t1_je8n6hj wrote

I hope the place has cameras. You may need it!


JThomasShort t1_jeabe91 wrote

Speaking as a librarian, I would rather deal with the inconvenience of somebody purposely misshelving material forever than implement a surveillance policy that would impinge on the privacy of our patrons.


pinpoint14 t1_jef89pm wrote

Y'all rock. Seriously some of the most considerate and ethical humans I've been around in the union world


vivahermione t1_jeadqx9 wrote

That's insane, but I think your overall point is true. These same types complain whenever a gay couple appears in a book because it's "too sexual" for children to read, but the existence of a gay couple isn't any more sexual than a straight couple would be.