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t1_jcasb0r wrote

I find it is so much more interesting discussing books with people who have actually bothered to read them first.


OP t1_jcasjl0 wrote

But I'm just asking if there's something there that the movies fail to convey about the world that'll keep it interesting for me :( I'm not talking shit, Im inquiring.


t1_jcat9oc wrote

My psychic powers are waning of late. I have no way of knowing whether you'll find them interesting. That, Mr. Holes, is something you'll just have to find out yourself. Go, read, live! I eagerly await your progress reports.

But yes, the movies fail to convey a lot. Tolkien is the gold standard for fantasy worldbuilding. No one has ever come remotely close to the depth of his Middle Earth. That is not to say everyone else pales in comparison, just that no one has ever done anywhere near as much worldbuilding as Tolkien. The movies absolutely do not concern themselves with this because they don't have time for it.


t1_jcauyvq wrote

By necessity, the movies have to cut out huge chunks of plot, worldbuilding, and characterization in order to fit the huge epic narrative into a 2-hour timeblock.

There’s tons in the books that got left on the cutting room floor - and a lot that was changed for Hollywood. The overall shape of the plot is the same but adaptation by necessity has to remove and alter a lot by changing the medium.

I would say the movies are faster and more exciting, but they lack the deep sense of immersion and characterization that you get from the books.