Just finished this book. I knew I was going to read it even before it was named Oprah's 100 book club selection. What a beautiful book. I feel like a better person and father for having read this book. You really feel like these characters are a part of your family by the end. I highly recommend this book. So beautiful.
philosophyofblonde t1_jdqt8kc wrote
Seconded. I read it a little while ago because I had an advance copy and I’ve been flogging it hard. You should try Dear Edward as well.
mercilessdestroyer t1_jdqv85y wrote
Glad to hear this! I am on the waitlist for this book with the library. I really loved Dear Edward, so I’m glad this one is good too.
mikarala t1_jdr2jfp wrote
One of my most anticipated releases of the year! Thanks for the review, I'm even more excited now. :)
[deleted] t1_jdsdt7b wrote
Bea9922 t1_jdsfwvr wrote
I’ve just started this book! So far I’m loving it, thanks for this 😊
slownightsolong88 t1_jdw369z wrote
Added this one to my list. Glad to see the reception is positive.
Sylvennn t1_jdqt6l5 wrote
Thanks for posting, I was wondering how it is.