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vibraltu t1_jef0yzg wrote

If you haven't read Grant's own memoirs, his writing style is rather exquisite. Now that's one of my favourite books.


n_random_variables t1_jef1rhn wrote

David McCullough wrote a book about building the panama canal, and one about building the Brooklyn bridge, both are the same time period and are fantastic, as are his president biographies, highly recommend.


Unionstate195 t1_jef2zol wrote

Oh man once you get into this era it’s hard to get back out. I’ve been reading and listening to audiobooks about or from 1870-1920 for several years now. There is so much going on in the whole world. Everyone is heading towards WW1 in their own way. The US has reconstruction, progressives, massive westward expansion and industrialization. Germany has unification. Russia is a god awful mess. Queen Victoria’s kids and grandkids are ruling all over the world.

The Edmund Morris books on Teddy Roosevelt are pretty good and accessible.
Titan by Chernow.
Nature’s Metropolis by William Cronan.
A Fierce Discontent by Micheal McGerr.
Woodrow Wilson by John Milton Cooper.


CraftyRole4567 t1_jefb5et wrote

Great suggestions here – for something a little different I’d recommend Passing Strange by Martha Sandweiss. It’s about Clarence White, who was an elite guy, friend of Roosevelt, head of the US geological survey, blonde and blue eyed, who was living a double life in which he had a Black family who believed that he was a Pullman pullman and that’s why he was gone for long periods of time, and he kept it going for decades. It’s a fascinating biography!


Mike00726 t1_jefe2j0 wrote

I would try--Benjamin Franklin: An American Life by Walter Isaacson


CrazyCatLady108 t1_jefet9h wrote

Hi there. Per rule 3.3, please post book recommendation requests in /r/SuggestMeABook or in our Weekly Recommendation Thread. Thank you!