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[deleted] t1_jdbwmnc wrote



Insomniac_Tales t1_jdcqzva wrote

I get the parallels with Battle Royale, but it was on a smaller scale compared to what Hunger Games was trying to say. Battle Royale was about controlling students from being too wild in the Japanese school system. Hunger Games was about controlling an entire populace with menace. Same concept, but Hunger Games had more to say about it and expanded outward where Battle Royale mostly stayed on the island.


Friesandmayo2665 OP t1_jdcnza5 wrote

I don’t really understand some of the point you’re making. Why would the polity called Panem put you out? The reference to the name makes sense. Also, do you really think Battle Royale and the Hunger Games set out to do the same thing? Lastly, you’re absolutely correct about my post not having much depth. My title is not fully accurate. The objections to criticism isn’t Hunger Games specific, it’s more an an example of a trend I’ve seen.


[deleted] t1_jdcsg4r wrote



Friesandmayo2665 OP t1_jde4a5g wrote

I understand where the name comes from. I just think that it’s meaningless in-world. It’s purely for the reader. I think there are multiple ways to world building and types of world to create, and the type you’re describing matters more for books like those in(but not limited to) the epic fantasy genre.


[deleted] t1_jde9o1a wrote



Friesandmayo2665 OP t1_jdedws8 wrote

Because I don’t believe it adds to the depth of the depiction. If we want a more realistic name, would we get the backstory to that? Would it really add to anything or would it even be worth the effort or make sense to get a backstory to it? I don’t think it would.


Bruarios t1_jddanx5 wrote

For Panem, it's too on the nose. It would be like having a state run brainwashing/mind-melting TV network that placates the masses having Lotus in the name


Parametric_Or_Treat t1_jddfsmt wrote

And having everyone in the capital having Roman names etc. It was probably just going a little too hard


RenzoARG t1_jdd5qjq wrote

>So Hunger Games wasn't bad, it was just a little... underdone and overly derivative?

YES, these are the words that define my "I didn't like neither book or movies... But I loved the idea behind them"