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keep_it_trillani OP t1_jedbuju wrote

Oh shoot, that's rough when you've already planned to read the full series. Was it because of a slow burn, or a different reason? Considering you made it a quarter way though, I'd say that's an accomplishment, considering her books are a trillion pages long, lol!! I used to curse her under my breath when I worked at a bookstore, because her damn books took up so much shelf room!


Dandibear t1_jedcqal wrote

Fortunately I was getting then through the library and hadn't bought the whole set or anything like that.

My complaint was a common one, that they're deeply misogynistic. I was prepared for that knowing that some of that is to be expected in that time period and expecting the rest of it to be good enough to get past that. But no, it was awful. I kept going a lot longer than I should have hoping their relationship would settle down, but no. Just a dozen forms of abusiveness in a relationship, repeating in an endless parade and calling themselves love.

I was so mad!